Bill Gross: Unforeseen delevering or inflationary expansion?
Investment Week
Goodbye 'Old Normal,' standby to redefine 'New Normal,' and welcome to 2012's 'paranormal.' This process of delevering has consistently been a part of Pimco's secular thesis but "implosion" and "bimodal fat tailed" outcomes are New Age and very ...

Investment Week
Investment Week
Goodbye 'Old Normal,' standby to redefine 'New Normal,' and welcome to 2012's 'paranormal.' This process of delevering has consistently been a part of Pimco's secular thesis but "implosion" and "bimodal fat tailed" outcomes are New Age and very ...
Investment Week
Economic Times
Excerpts: If you could just start off by telling us what you believe the new normal is for the rupee dollar rate that you are expecting because most experts do believe that it was settle perhaps at level of 55 to 56 on account with the high fiscal ...
Viewpoint: Streamlining ahead in the 'New Normal'
Woodbury Bulletin
A phrase you may hear in 2012 is “The New Normal.” It refers to shrinking budgets for all levels of government: global, national, state, city, county and schools. The sooner we accept and adjust to the “new normal” the more successful we will be as a ...
Bill Gross: Prepare for the 'para'-normal?
There's “abnormal,” “subnormal,” “paranormal” and of course “new normal.” Mohamed El-Erian's awakening phrase of several years past has virtually been adopted into the lexicon these days, but now it has an almost antiquated vapor to it that reflected ...
2011: Year in Review
World Screen
Releasing its annual outlook in June, PwC declared that digital is the "new normal" in the entertainment and media business worldwide. The "device revolution," as PwC called it—with consumers embracing content on tablets, smart phones and ...
Morning Take-Out
New York Times
BLOOMBERG NEWS A New 'Paranormal' | Bill Gross, managing director of Pimco, writes in his latest investor letter that the “New Normal,” a phrase made popular by Pimco's Mohamed A. El-Erian, has become something less knowable, “a world of fat-tailed, ...
Weekender's hot new words of 2012
Sioux City Journal
Receiving suggestions for nominated words via their website and Facebook page, the college's 37th such end-of-the-year list included, such ubiquitous terms as "occupy," "pet parent," "the new normal" and the insidious "thank you in advance" all of ...
Pimco Attracts $60 Billion as New Funds Offset Total Return Woes
San Francisco Chronicle
The expansion into other asset classes coincided with Pimco's "new normal" forecast for slower growth in the developed economies, higher unemployment and subdued market returns in the period following the 2008 financial crisis. ...
Faster travel on tolled SR 520 bridge; I-90 sees typical traffic
Access Washington
“We are seeing signs that we are edging toward that new normal for the morning commute and are closely monitoring where and when drivers are traveling to see what emerges.” WSDOT continues to work with the tolling customer service center to identify ...
Wall St gurus find predictions game getting harder
PIMCO's Bill Gross, the manager of the world's largest bond fund, kicked off 2012 saying the "new normal" of slow growth has given way to the "paranormal," an environment characterized by credit risk and "zero-bound" interest rates. ...
Certain Predicts 2012 as Breakthrough Year for Events
MarketWatch (press release)
Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are mainstream, making integrated event marketing the new normalfor event professionals. This integration of digital solutions with event planning software will result in 2012 as the 'year of the platform. ...
Is This Big Automaker a Screaming Buy?
Or put another way, what will the new "normal" look like? So much has shifted in the auto industry in recent years that finding a basis for comparison is somewhat tricky, but 2010 is probably our best bet. In 2010 -- before the tsunami, after the worst ...
Costs Versus Quality In Electronic Discovery Document Reviews
JD Supra (press release)
These issues are being regularly blogged and written about in the legal press so I will simply recommend the End of Lawyers by Richard Susskind, the writings of Jordan Furlong at Law21, and the ABA Journal's New Normal series by Paul Lippe and Patrick ...
Pickens school district looks ahead to new year
Greenville News
“This is the new normal every resident, business owner and government agency is facing,” he said. “Continuing to adjust to it will remain a challenge for employees, the administration and school board as we formulate the 2012-13 budget. ...
White House hits 'trifecta' on CFPB - Europe watch: New losses for Spanish ...
Politico GLOOMY GROSS - Pimco's Bill Gross his latest note: “The New Normal, previously believed to be bell-shaped and thin-tailed in its depiction of growth probability and financial market outcomes, appears to be morphing into a world of ...
Place Trade CEO, Sarah Place, Quoted in SmartMoney Magazine
The Open Press (press release)
Her advice was included in the cover story entitled “How to Tame the Wild Bond Market – The New Normal: Wild Rides,” where she discussed issues regarding the recent dramatic volatility in the US Treasury bond market. “I am honored to be included among ...
Moving on: Rapid City woman recounts road to recovery after brain surgery
Rapid City Journal
She said both Cooper and her father helped her adjust in the months after her surgery, discouraging her from using it as an excuse while supporting her as she adjusted to her new normal. "You can't use it as an excuse not to do well," she said. ...
Here's The Beef!
Resource Investor
Mr. Gross no longer espouses the “new normal” platform and is, instead, advising clients to hedge with…US Treasuries, munis, and senior bank debt. “The recommendations mark a departure from Gross's call last year, when he advised buying higher ...
Sourcing Metal Categories in a Volatile or Collapsing Euro Environment
MetalMiner and sponsor Nucor will host Commodity Edge: Sourcing Intelligence for the New Normal, March 19 and 20, 2012, at the Intercontinental Chicago O'Hare. Check out the link below to this new ground-breaking conference.
US retailers cut forecasts despite gains
Financial Times
American Eagle, a teen fashion retailer, was “a perfect example of the new normal”, she said. Its like-for-like sales in November and December were up 12 per cent from a year ago, but it cut its quarterly earnings forecast to $0.33-$0.35 per share from ...
Politico reporter: Iowa reset the primary race in N.H.
“I'm not sure if that's going to be the new normal going forward,” he said, adding it will be interesting to see in 2016 if candidates try to take control back from the debates. The other difference is the rise of so-called Super PACs, third-party ...
Cramer: Ignore Italy at Your Own Peril
I'm sorry, nothing else mattered yesterday like UniCredit, and if you think that the action yesterday was the new normal, you'd better hope that no other bank needs to raise money ... even though you should know that almost every single one of them ...
Morning commuters leaving earlier to take 520, I-90
“Every day, drivers are making choices whether to avoid the toll or avoid congestion,” said Toll Director Craig Stone of the Washington State Department of Transportation. “We are seeing signs that we are edging toward that new normal for the morning ...
Austerity czar wants Ontario to curb health, education spending
Globe and Mail
Mr. Drummond's assessment of the need for sacrifices owes largely to his belief that slow economic growth, widely assumed to be a consequence of global economic turmoil, is in fact Ontario's new normal. Because of low increases in both labour force and ...
Globe and Mail
Outreach workers still helping people affected by 2011 flooding
Southeast Missourian
"We encourage the survivors to find a new normal in their lives because many of them have suffered such a great loss -- not to say life will never get like it was -- but to accept where they are now," Rowe said. The counselors offer assistance through ...
“New Normal” is morphing into “Paranormal,” argues Gross ...
By Prieur du Plessis
In his latest edition of his monthly newsletter, Bill Gross waves goodbye to the “New Normal” and adopts the “Paranormal”. The following are a few excerpts from the report: The New Normal, previously believed to be bell-shaped and thin-tailed ...
Investment Postcards from Cape Town
Finding My New Normal: Invitation Declined... Phew
By My New Normal
Tales from an American Expat living in London. Dealing with the loss of a child is never easy, but it's even more difficult when you live so far from home. Life will never be "normal" again and so now the challenge is to find my new normal. ...
Finding My New Normal
Are blended families becoming the new normal? - Everydaymoney ...
By Gordon Powers
The makeup of today's Canadian household has morphed into a web of relationships, changing the way families handle their money, particularly if such blended arrangements come equipped with kids. Pulling together a family with your new ... is a daily business...
Nina In New York: 5 Amazing Banished Words Of 2012 « CBS New ...
By NinaPajak
According to the ironically-worded statement from LSSU's website: “Worn-out words and phrases are the new normal this year, but with some shared sacrifice, we can clean up the language and win the future,” said an LSSU representative. ...
CBS New York
The Little Guide to Making that New Year's Resolution Stick
By Henrik Edberg
You make it the new “normal” for you. So, identify where you want to go or how you want to improve your life. Then make a plan with some smaller steps you can take to gradually lessen your discomfort. Set the goal but focus on the daily ...
The Positivity Blog | Increase...
Year in Review: SAP ROI in 2011 | ASUG News
By Thomas Wailgum
Attribute that to tech-savvy non-IT execs or corporate life in the New Normal—whatever the case, it's a good thing. SAP leaders' rhetoric in 2011 focused primarily on promoting new product lines—SAP's “innovations.” SAP CTO Vishal Sikka, ...
Capital Account: James Turk on Fat Tails, LTRO & Banking on Gold ...
We've already said good bye to the old normal, now maybe even the new normal, so are we living today in the paranormal? That's the forecast of bond titan Bill Gross of PIMCO. The toll of too much paper and too little trust. But how does that ...
AAEA Blog: AAEA Hosting a Number of Events at ASSA in Chicago ...
... Impact Methods for Agriculture; 10:15 am: Revisiting the Relationship between Biofuels Production and Food Prices; 12:30 pm: Environmental Kuznets Curve: Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives; 2:30 pm: The New Normal? ...
Suitable Water Waste Removal: Both Choices Essential For ...
By kohale
A new normal water spend plant is established on-site so that you can recycling the river in addition to reduce the actual waste materials changing it directly into a few helpful product. This particular remedy gets rid of the expense inside ...
The Flower Company » The West: it's not all roses – Regina Leader
By admin
So there's reason for caution in assuming that the recent gains reflect a “new normal” that we can count on in the years to come. But how are we doing in improving matters within our control, based on the wealth currently flowing around the ...
The Flower Company
Gross Backs Away From New Normal After Missing Bond Rally ...
Bill Gross is backing away from Pacific Investment Management Co.'s outlook for a “new normal” after lagging behind the majority of his peers during the biggest ...
PIMCO | Investment Outlook - Towards the Paranormal
The New Normal, previously believed to be bell-shaped and thin-tailed in its ... The New Normal as PIMCO and other economists would describe it was a world ...
Alaska Winter: New Normal Actually Warmer and Wetter --
Alaska winters are getting warmer and wetter despite January?s cold weather start, according to a recent report from the Alaska Center for Climate Assement ...
Is this the new normal? - Spiderweb Software Forum
#255541 - Today at 10:59 AM Is this the new normal? Lightning Spammer Offline Cave Denizen Registered: Jan 7, 2010 1:36 PM Posts: 16. Loc: USA. Is it just ...
Finding a new normal for real estate in 2012 -
to "What's the new normal?" The reasons for the change vary, but they lie somewhere between a general public acceptance that double-digit appreciation is a ...
New Year- New Normal? «
We're still looking for the “New Normal”…. expecting to see it soon as the New Year begins. We had lots of changes in 2011. New ministry assignment (moved ...
New Normal for Housing? | Minimal Interest
New Normal for Housing? Posted on January 5, 2012 by Minimal Interest. My general response to those pursuing that goal would be this: “Be careful what you ...
Sabbath Sunday: Your New Normal : Julie Arduini
Sabbath Sunday: Your New Normal. Posted by Julie on January - 1 - 2012. It's a new year, time to work on those goals, themes, and for some, resolutions. ...
Building a “New Normal” on the Bedrock of Risk Management
... collection have provided meaningful insight into the critical factors affecting the performance of our operations. Procedures, training,. Building a “New Normal” ...
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