More likely, she will experience the "new normal" of Hopey-Changey America. That is, 99 weeks of unemployment at about half her pay, followed by a job straightening polo shirts and khakis at the Gap for one-third of her old salary and paltry benefits.
View more presentations from Pictet Wealth Management
Yves Bonzon, Chief Investment Officer of Pictet Wealth Management, presented his view for the year ahead in London on January 24th.
The super PAC to end all super PACs?
Washington Times
By Luke Rosiak In a sign that super PACs are the new normal, two highly unlikely groups established the vehicles known for unlimited corporate contributions last week: an Occupy Wall Street super PAC and another created to run ads opposing — super...

Washington Times
Downward mobility, the new normal
By Robert Reich January's increase in hiring is good news, but it masks a bigger and more disturbing story – the continuing downward mobility of the American middle class. Most of the new jobs being created are in the lower-wage sectors of the economy ...
5 Dividend Stocks That Stand The Test Of Time
Seeking Alpha
The new normal of low interest rates and likely turbulence has me looking for ideas in the area of solid companies with dividends. Sean Williams of the Motley Fool picks five stocks that are likely to be least impacted by the ups and downs of the ...
India Kids Fashion Week: Hail the ten year old beauty queen!
.In our 24X7 media-saturated society, body anxiety is the new "normal," shared by mom and daughter alike. Reuters Years ago, when one of my closest friends turned 18, her mother pulled her aside at the clubhouse swimming pool and said, “It's time for ...

Twelve counties looking to collaborate
Republican Eagle
“The demographic and economic shifts these counties are responding to represent the 'new normal' for Minnesota — more services needed with fewer resources,” Bush Foundation Chief Financial Officer Greg Keane said. If the redesign works as planned and ...
The Healing Zone: What to Do After Cancer Treatment
Huffington Post (blog)
The great majority of patients are like Kathleen: faced with a "new normal" that may include chronic fatigue, pain, weakness and depression. But the point of Dr. Silver's book is that one does not have to accept this "new normal.
An Iron Grip Shows Signs of Weakening
New York Times
The speed and scope of change in the Middle East and North Africa over the past year has led the watching world to accept this as the new normal. The initial expectations in Syria last spring were that Assad would simply crush the relatively small and ...
Dear diary, this year I just need more time
Being busy is the new normal; it's part of the modern world. But these days, it's madness. People are stretched with work and there are demands from other sources with emails, texts and phone calls always coming in and people demanding more time.
Bigger, Leaner, Better Hogs Coming to Market
National Hog Farmer
But the most recent one has been a shift to a much higher “new normal” level and it appears that we are shrugging it off and continuing to increase hog weights. Improved genetics are a big part of that, but higher prices are now covering the higher ...

National Hog Farmer
Romney Must Offer Americans Something More: Opinion
For the record, as Ronald Reagan campaigned for reelection, his revamped, post Carter-malaise economy had rocked along at 7.5% for six quarters -- not the tepid 2% that Democrats preach is the new normal. Old Dutch believed in American Exceptionalism ...
Soul-Talk: Are You Drinking Your Own
Huffington Post
Sooner or later, upset and resentment can become the new normal. Perhaps you have heard this old cliché, which has been attributed to many over the years: Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.
Singapore Set to Remain Competitive: Company Registration Specialists
San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
The new normal economy also calls for a different approach to mitigating new risks and governing business policies. Therefore, Singapore will best create a future-ready economy by encouraging businesses and workers to keep upgrading their capabilities ...
Kinglake temporary village almost vacated
Diamond Valley Leader
Brad Quilliam, from the Kinglake Ranges Community Recovery Committee, said the town had moved into the “new normal” as projects such as the youth centre and community radio station were completed, and public buildings such as the Kinglake Middle ...
Evening's Kiss
... spirit of Wesley Willis and Daniel Johnston. "I'm still disillusioned and cool catatonic/Always in a daze without smoking that chronic," Beal rhymes over spare acoustic guitar, sounding more like Cat Power than Snoop Dogg. Welcome to thenew normal.
It's the new normal. Forget the bankruptcy of Solyndra and other green companies, California is going green no matter the cost. Congress wouldn't act, so California will. California can't wait. California's unique state cap-and-trade legislation to ...
An Immigrant Student's Story: I Was a Dictionary Girl
Education Week News
Cultivating supportive academic and social environments could help students who are new to the country and the language adjust to the new normal, and begin the healing process. • Don't give up. Learning English, and adjusting to a new life and culture, ...

Education Week News
Announces Three Selections for National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board
BLM Director Bob Abbey commended the outgoing members, saying, “Robin Lohnes and Janet Jankura served during challenging times and I commend each of them for moving the BLM forward in its efforts to achieve a 'new normal' for the Wild Horse and Burro ...

Employment: Return of the Great Oscillation
Global Economic Intersection
In such an environment frequent business cycle oscillations could prove to be a significant damper on the stability of employment. Following the collapse of a bubble, the 'New Normal' may simply be a return to what used to be.

Global Economic Intersection
Seizing Sustainable Development
Project Syndicate
Fourth, we should prepare for a rough ride ahead, because extreme weather, resource scarcity, and price volatility have become the “new normal.” We need to strengthen our resilience by promoting disaster risk reduction, adaptation, and sound safety ...
Smart phones, safe kids
Herald and News
As smartphones become the new normal - and the must-have for teens and preteens - parents need to understand how the devices work and how their kids are using them, experts say. The phones have cameras, voice recorders, instant access to the Internet ...
Will we see $4 gas? Why prices are soaring at the pump
“But I would say around Easter to Cinco de Mayo or Memorial Day (for $4 gas).” Kloza did add that while prices may go over the $4 mark, he doesn't expect this to become the “new normal.” “I would classify this as a spike,” Kloza said.
US Women's Soccer & Where The Narrative Should Lie….
The Shin Guardian
US Women's dominance is a “new normal”: women can play, and not just that, they can, at least in this culture, play better than the boys. More than that, 1999, as well as the aftermath of this summer's tournament, had a tangible impact on the youth ...
Credit Suisse cools gold breakout hopes
Mining MX
Kendall supported his notion of choppy price behaviour for gold on the basis that volatility would be “the new normal” in world markets. Volatility would also come from potential leadership changes in the US, France and China, where presidential ...
An Anxious Rockingham County After Deadly Home Invasion
WFMY News 2
Perhaps someone that comes into Larry's store where there's always an extra chair and for the first time in recent memory, a new normal for folks who like to take life slow and easy. Larry McCollum had these final thoughts, "When I would leave home for...

WFMY News 2
The More Debates, the Better
National Review Online (blog)
But I hope this number of debates becomes the new normal for primary seasons. And while I doubt it will be possible this cycle to get more than three debates between Obama and the GOP nominee (why would Obama agree?), it would be great if in the future ...
Budget in a year of pain and change
Business Times (subscription)
Mohamed Ismail: We are in a new normal after the elections, the thinking behind policies is now 'Singaporeans first'. I totally agree that the Jobs Credit is unlikely. We have not seen a crisis, how do we justify breaking the bank for millions?
The New Normal: This Militarized Empty Lot Called Home ...
By worker
From Decolonize Oakland - by Puck Lo. From the diffuse clouded sunlight, which looks and feels the same in January as it does in June, to the broken glass glinting on the sidewalks, downtown Oakland is as usual. The city barely skips a beat ...
Anarchist news dot org
Chrissy retail joins the new normal - ...
By Houses and Holes
13 Responses to “ “Chrissy retail joins the new normal”. darklydrawl says: February 6, 2012 at 11:14 am. Forgive me if this is a silly question, but is 0.1% even significant? What is the margin for error with these numbers? Or has that already ...
Sessions help educators support military children | Maine DOE ...
By Maine Department of Education
The Portland session takes place from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on April 3, and is called “Living In the New Normal: Helping Children Thrive In Good and Challenging Times.” The session will help participants understand what the “new normal” is when ...
Maine DOE Newsroom
Morici: 2.6.12: Falling Unemployment Hardly a Game Changer but ...
By Ellen Croibier
For the record, as Ronald Reagan campaigned for reelection, his revamped, post Carter-malaise economy had rocked along at 7.5 percent for six quarters—not the tepid 2 percent that Democrats preach is the new normal. Old Dutch believed ...
Trade Reform
February 6 roundup
By Walter Olson
Is This the New Normal?” [Lenore Skenazy, Free-Range Kids; our 2000 post on "Rise of the High-School Sleepover Disclaimer"]; Spirit Airlines sets what it calls DOTUC fee, for “Dept. of Transportation Unintended Consequences” [Stoll]; How ...
Solar Trade War: It Just Doesn't Matter : Greentech Media
Certainly Yingli, Suntech, Trina and others are in the process of adapting to this new normal. One can already get price quotes from Chinese solar manufacturers for trade-compliant (as well as non-trade-compliant) product ready to be ...
GreentechSolar: Projects
Today's political law links | Political Activity Law/Political Law ...
By Eric Brown
“In a sign that super PACs are the new normal, two highly unlikely groups established the vehicles known for unlimited corporate contributions last week: an Occupy Wall Street super PAC and another created to run ads opposing — super ...
Political Activity Law/Political...
"EB"ing a Mommy: A little piece of my heart.
By Courtney Roth
I don't want a new normal. I know the grieving will come, I'm just wondering how long it will take for reality to set in. I don't want this life of being able to do whatever I want. I don't want the life of not having my baby to take care of. I don't want ...
"EB"ing a Mommy
8.3% Unemployment Deception | RedState
By Nikitas3 (Diary)
This is the Democrats defining “the new normal” for socialist Euro-type unemployment where we applaud bad news. But look closely at the overall situation and you will see the real truth – that Obama/Democrat policies are in fact devastating ...
Employment Chart Palooza | The Big Picture
By Anna W
If unemployment is truly at 8.26% or so, then aren't we at about the “new normal” of normal unemployment? What I mean by that is that in the past 5 years, businesses have obviously laid off a good bit of their employees. As a result, they've ...
The Big Picture
Co-existing with Customer Next - Bank Innovation
By Rajashekara V. Maiya
These are the tough choices occasioned by the new reality, the new normal and the new customer. Views: 1. Tags: Financial, banking., banks, financial, institutions, service. Like. 0 members like this. Share Twitter Facebook · < Previous Post ...
Featured Blog Posts - Bank Innovation
EXCLUSIVE: DC Reveals January Digital Rankings - Comic Book ...
... that and considering incoming moves from both DC with "Before Watchmen" as an example and I'm sure plenty of new initiatives from Marvel and other publishers, do you expect that the numbers will level out and find a new normal any time ...
Comic Book News
The New Normal: Resource Poaching | Global Macro Monitor
Week in Review: Rampopotamus Continues. The New Normal: Resource Poaching. Posted on February 5, 2012 by macromon. Guess we should get used to it.
Dan Erwin - Facebook's Values as the New Normal
Facebook's organizational values are the new normal. They cut a new path in managing behavior.
"The New Normal" in Denver Real Estate
Denver Real Estate Blog. LIVE Urban Real Estate. We love everything about living in urban Denver. Some call us city-living experts. Want to know what's ...
Follow @NewNormalNews
Washington Times
By Luke Rosiak In a sign that super PACs are the new normal, two highly unlikely groups established the vehicles known for unlimited corporate contributions last week: an Occupy Wall Street super PAC and another created to run ads opposing — super...
Washington Times
Downward mobility, the new normal
By Robert Reich January's increase in hiring is good news, but it masks a bigger and more disturbing story – the continuing downward mobility of the American middle class. Most of the new jobs being created are in the lower-wage sectors of the economy ...
5 Dividend Stocks That Stand The Test Of Time
Seeking Alpha
The new normal of low interest rates and likely turbulence has me looking for ideas in the area of solid companies with dividends. Sean Williams of the Motley Fool picks five stocks that are likely to be least impacted by the ups and downs of the ...
India Kids Fashion Week: Hail the ten year old beauty queen!
.In our 24X7 media-saturated society, body anxiety is the new "normal," shared by mom and daughter alike. Reuters Years ago, when one of my closest friends turned 18, her mother pulled her aside at the clubhouse swimming pool and said, “It's time for ...
Twelve counties looking to collaborate
Republican Eagle
“The demographic and economic shifts these counties are responding to represent the 'new normal' for Minnesota — more services needed with fewer resources,” Bush Foundation Chief Financial Officer Greg Keane said. If the redesign works as planned and ...
The Healing Zone: What to Do After Cancer Treatment
Huffington Post (blog)
The great majority of patients are like Kathleen: faced with a "new normal" that may include chronic fatigue, pain, weakness and depression. But the point of Dr. Silver's book is that one does not have to accept this "new normal.
An Iron Grip Shows Signs of Weakening
New York Times
The speed and scope of change in the Middle East and North Africa over the past year has led the watching world to accept this as the new normal. The initial expectations in Syria last spring were that Assad would simply crush the relatively small and ...
Dear diary, this year I just need more time
Being busy is the new normal; it's part of the modern world. But these days, it's madness. People are stretched with work and there are demands from other sources with emails, texts and phone calls always coming in and people demanding more time.
Bigger, Leaner, Better Hogs Coming to Market
National Hog Farmer
But the most recent one has been a shift to a much higher “new normal” level and it appears that we are shrugging it off and continuing to increase hog weights. Improved genetics are a big part of that, but higher prices are now covering the higher ...
National Hog Farmer
Romney Must Offer Americans Something More: Opinion
For the record, as Ronald Reagan campaigned for reelection, his revamped, post Carter-malaise economy had rocked along at 7.5% for six quarters -- not the tepid 2% that Democrats preach is the new normal. Old Dutch believed in American Exceptionalism ...
Soul-Talk: Are You Drinking Your Own
Huffington Post
Sooner or later, upset and resentment can become the new normal. Perhaps you have heard this old cliché, which has been attributed to many over the years: Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.
Singapore Set to Remain Competitive: Company Registration Specialists
San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
The new normal economy also calls for a different approach to mitigating new risks and governing business policies. Therefore, Singapore will best create a future-ready economy by encouraging businesses and workers to keep upgrading their capabilities ...
Kinglake temporary village almost vacated
Diamond Valley Leader
Brad Quilliam, from the Kinglake Ranges Community Recovery Committee, said the town had moved into the “new normal” as projects such as the youth centre and community radio station were completed, and public buildings such as the Kinglake Middle ...
Evening's Kiss
... spirit of Wesley Willis and Daniel Johnston. "I'm still disillusioned and cool catatonic/Always in a daze without smoking that chronic," Beal rhymes over spare acoustic guitar, sounding more like Cat Power than Snoop Dogg. Welcome to thenew normal.
It's the new normal. Forget the bankruptcy of Solyndra and other green companies, California is going green no matter the cost. Congress wouldn't act, so California will. California can't wait. California's unique state cap-and-trade legislation to ...
An Immigrant Student's Story: I Was a Dictionary Girl
Education Week News
Cultivating supportive academic and social environments could help students who are new to the country and the language adjust to the new normal, and begin the healing process. • Don't give up. Learning English, and adjusting to a new life and culture, ...
Education Week News
Announces Three Selections for National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board
BLM Director Bob Abbey commended the outgoing members, saying, “Robin Lohnes and Janet Jankura served during challenging times and I commend each of them for moving the BLM forward in its efforts to achieve a 'new normal' for the Wild Horse and Burro ...
Employment: Return of the Great Oscillation
Global Economic Intersection
In such an environment frequent business cycle oscillations could prove to be a significant damper on the stability of employment. Following the collapse of a bubble, the 'New Normal' may simply be a return to what used to be.
Global Economic Intersection
Seizing Sustainable Development
Project Syndicate
Fourth, we should prepare for a rough ride ahead, because extreme weather, resource scarcity, and price volatility have become the “new normal.” We need to strengthen our resilience by promoting disaster risk reduction, adaptation, and sound safety ...
Smart phones, safe kids
Herald and News
As smartphones become the new normal - and the must-have for teens and preteens - parents need to understand how the devices work and how their kids are using them, experts say. The phones have cameras, voice recorders, instant access to the Internet ...
Will we see $4 gas? Why prices are soaring at the pump
“But I would say around Easter to Cinco de Mayo or Memorial Day (for $4 gas).” Kloza did add that while prices may go over the $4 mark, he doesn't expect this to become the “new normal.” “I would classify this as a spike,” Kloza said.
US Women's Soccer & Where The Narrative Should Lie….
The Shin Guardian
US Women's dominance is a “new normal”: women can play, and not just that, they can, at least in this culture, play better than the boys. More than that, 1999, as well as the aftermath of this summer's tournament, had a tangible impact on the youth ...
Credit Suisse cools gold breakout hopes
Mining MX
Kendall supported his notion of choppy price behaviour for gold on the basis that volatility would be “the new normal” in world markets. Volatility would also come from potential leadership changes in the US, France and China, where presidential ...
An Anxious Rockingham County After Deadly Home Invasion
WFMY News 2
Perhaps someone that comes into Larry's store where there's always an extra chair and for the first time in recent memory, a new normal for folks who like to take life slow and easy. Larry McCollum had these final thoughts, "When I would leave home for...
WFMY News 2
The More Debates, the Better
National Review Online (blog)
But I hope this number of debates becomes the new normal for primary seasons. And while I doubt it will be possible this cycle to get more than three debates between Obama and the GOP nominee (why would Obama agree?), it would be great if in the future ...
Budget in a year of pain and change
Business Times (subscription)
Mohamed Ismail: We are in a new normal after the elections, the thinking behind policies is now 'Singaporeans first'. I totally agree that the Jobs Credit is unlikely. We have not seen a crisis, how do we justify breaking the bank for millions?
The New Normal: This Militarized Empty Lot Called Home ...
By worker
From Decolonize Oakland - by Puck Lo. From the diffuse clouded sunlight, which looks and feels the same in January as it does in June, to the broken glass glinting on the sidewalks, downtown Oakland is as usual. The city barely skips a beat ...
Anarchist news dot org
Chrissy retail joins the new normal - ...
By Houses and Holes
13 Responses to “ “Chrissy retail joins the new normal”. darklydrawl says: February 6, 2012 at 11:14 am. Forgive me if this is a silly question, but is 0.1% even significant? What is the margin for error with these numbers? Or has that already ...
Sessions help educators support military children | Maine DOE ...
By Maine Department of Education
The Portland session takes place from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on April 3, and is called “Living In the New Normal: Helping Children Thrive In Good and Challenging Times.” The session will help participants understand what the “new normal” is when ...
Maine DOE Newsroom
Morici: 2.6.12: Falling Unemployment Hardly a Game Changer but ...
By Ellen Croibier
For the record, as Ronald Reagan campaigned for reelection, his revamped, post Carter-malaise economy had rocked along at 7.5 percent for six quarters—not the tepid 2 percent that Democrats preach is the new normal. Old Dutch believed ...
Trade Reform
February 6 roundup
By Walter Olson
Is This the New Normal?” [Lenore Skenazy, Free-Range Kids; our 2000 post on "Rise of the High-School Sleepover Disclaimer"]; Spirit Airlines sets what it calls DOTUC fee, for “Dept. of Transportation Unintended Consequences” [Stoll]; How ...
Solar Trade War: It Just Doesn't Matter : Greentech Media
Certainly Yingli, Suntech, Trina and others are in the process of adapting to this new normal. One can already get price quotes from Chinese solar manufacturers for trade-compliant (as well as non-trade-compliant) product ready to be ...
GreentechSolar: Projects
Today's political law links | Political Activity Law/Political Law ...
By Eric Brown
“In a sign that super PACs are the new normal, two highly unlikely groups established the vehicles known for unlimited corporate contributions last week: an Occupy Wall Street super PAC and another created to run ads opposing — super ...
Political Activity Law/Political...
"EB"ing a Mommy: A little piece of my heart.
By Courtney Roth
I don't want a new normal. I know the grieving will come, I'm just wondering how long it will take for reality to set in. I don't want this life of being able to do whatever I want. I don't want the life of not having my baby to take care of. I don't want ...
"EB"ing a Mommy
Live Webcast: Bridging the Sign-On Gap in the Cloud (Identity ...
By B Shashikumar
The new normal in the modern enterprise is to run a mixture of both on-premise and cloud applications with the objective of streamlining operational efficiency and enhancing user productivity. Enterprise users need seamless access to various ...
Oracle Blogs
By B Shashikumar
The new normal in the modern enterprise is to run a mixture of both on-premise and cloud applications with the objective of streamlining operational efficiency and enhancing user productivity. Enterprise users need seamless access to various ...
Oracle Blogs
8.3% Unemployment Deception | RedState
By Nikitas3 (Diary)
This is the Democrats defining “the new normal” for socialist Euro-type unemployment where we applaud bad news. But look closely at the overall situation and you will see the real truth – that Obama/Democrat policies are in fact devastating ...
Employment Chart Palooza | The Big Picture
By Anna W
If unemployment is truly at 8.26% or so, then aren't we at about the “new normal” of normal unemployment? What I mean by that is that in the past 5 years, businesses have obviously laid off a good bit of their employees. As a result, they've ...
The Big Picture
Co-existing with Customer Next - Bank Innovation
By Rajashekara V. Maiya
These are the tough choices occasioned by the new reality, the new normal and the new customer. Views: 1. Tags: Financial, banking., banks, financial, institutions, service. Like. 0 members like this. Share Twitter Facebook · < Previous Post ...
Featured Blog Posts - Bank Innovation
EXCLUSIVE: DC Reveals January Digital Rankings - Comic Book ...
... that and considering incoming moves from both DC with "Before Watchmen" as an example and I'm sure plenty of new initiatives from Marvel and other publishers, do you expect that the numbers will level out and find a new normal any time ...
Comic Book News
The New Normal: Resource Poaching | Global Macro Monitor
Week in Review: Rampopotamus Continues. The New Normal: Resource Poaching. Posted on February 5, 2012 by macromon. Guess we should get used to it.
The New Normal | Washington Week
The New Normal. Byline: By Beth Reinhard, National Journal. Mitt Romney was so chipper on the eve of Florida's Republican primary that instead of reciting a ...
The New Normal. Byline: By Beth Reinhard, National Journal. Mitt Romney was so chipper on the eve of Florida's Republican primary that instead of reciting a ...
Dan Erwin - Facebook's Values as the New Normal
Facebook's organizational values are the new normal. They cut a new path in managing behavior.
"The New Normal" in Denver Real Estate
Denver Real Estate Blog. LIVE Urban Real Estate. We love everything about living in urban Denver. Some call us city-living experts. Want to know what's ...
Follow @NewNormalNews
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