New York Times
By ELIZABETH WEIL One day last year when her daughter, Ainsley, was 9, Tracee Sioux pulled her out of her elementary school in Fort Collins, Colo., and drove her an hour south, to Longmont, in hopes of finding a satisfying reason that Ainsley began ...
New York Times
Helping Girls Through Early Puberty
New York Times (blog)
Yes and no, and maybe — as Elizabeth Weil writes in Puberty Before Age 10: A New 'Normal'? for The New York Times Magazine, it depends on how you define puberty. “Well-respected researchers at three big institutions — Cincinnati Children's Hospital, ...
Budget makes late retirement the new normal
The news was not unexpected, and for those of Generation X age or younger, it was simply more confirmation of what they've been told most of their lives: expect to work longer and retire poorer than your parents. Finance Minister Jim Flaherty announced ...
Flooding Risk Rises Statewide
New York Times
The increased frequency of these flood-causing events has scientists wondering if this is the “new normal” for New Jersey, while public officials, engineers and insurance companies grapple with how to respond. “We don't know what normal is anymore,” ...

New York Times
Thanks To E-Books, Book Publishers Find Flat Is The New Up
Large book publishers' most recent earnings reports reflect a new normal: Revenues are roughly flat, but profits are up—in large part due to e-books. In the 2011 Bertelsmann annual report released this week, Random House said it has nearly 40000 ...
Counting the cost of cashing in
Sydney Morning Herald
THRIFT is the new normal. Pummelled by insecurity over Europe's near meltdown and falling house prices, Australians are paying down their mortgages at record rates. In just four years, we have gone from being a nation intent on using rocketing home ...

Sydney Morning Herald
With World IPv6 Launch, IPv6 on by default will be the new normal
Ars Technica
... meeting for a near-impromptu lunch get-together, talking about what some of the big World IPv6 Launch participants are doing. ISOC's Phil Roberts, moderator of the panel, kicked things off by saying that "IPv6 'on by default' is the new normal.

Ars Technica
Phoenix PR, advertising agencies taking different roads to new normal
Phoenix Business Journal
Standing in front of a billboard featuring his dad, Ed Lane, EB Lane CEO Beau Lane is celebrating his agency's 50th anniversary. Beau Lane is getting into Hispanic and digital marketing for his clients. Scott Harkey and Matthew Owens opened a new ...
The state budget: Winners and … winners?
Crain's New York Business
The new normal is a budget that grows but at a much slower rate. Advocates adjusted their expectations accordingly. “On the goals we set for ourselves for this budget, we came out successful,” said Alliance for Quality Education Executive Director ...
Time for Unchange
American Thinker
By Randall Hoven If we use terms such as "the new normal" for the economy, what was the old normal? Was there even a "normal," or were things always turbulent or spiraling out of control? Believe it or not, the federal budget used to have a "normal.
3 Ways To Get Your Mojo Back After Divorce
Huffington Post (blog)
Give yourself a minute to heal and establish a new normal. You're used to being in a relationship, waking up next to someone, having someone to hang out with on weekends and holidays. The end of a relationship requires healing, and healing is not ...
Bond fund investors ride out market's bumps
If the first quarter is any indicator, bond market behavior may finally reflect the “new normal” that Pimco's Bill Gross and others first started talking about a few years back. In the first three months of 2012, long-dated government debt funds fell ...

House prices soft – more to come
The report also suggested this was the “new normal” environment, with households likely to save more and lend less, and unlikely to fuel any rebound in house price growth. According to the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA), households have increased ...
Making Sense of the Wacky Weather
New York Times (blog)
“More recently, I've been saying: 'We may already be seeing examples of a new normal.'” In other words, scientists are getting bolder about linking the crazy weather patterns, and even specific events, to global warming caused by human activity.

New York Times (blog)
Money should be used to boost education, fix roads and repair budget holes
Columbus Dispatch
John Kasich is taking this deep-cut budget as the new normal as he proposes a plan to raise taxes on oil-and-gas drilling and swap the revenue for income-tax cuts. Rather, we should be doing everything we can to build up the opportunities for young ...

Columbus Dispatch
Keeping cameras rolling in face of disaster
The Japan Times
One foreign commentator called it the "most normal" film on the Yubari program, but actually the grotesque/bizarre, manga- and anime-influenced genre pic has become the new normal, especially among foreign J-film fans. I haven't been totally sorry to ...

The Japan Times
Second finalist visits NCCC
Plattsburgh Press Republican
"We're in a new normal," he said. "We can't depend on old formulas any more to get where we want to go." Being realistic, Kosinski said, means knowing that state and federal government do not have financial resources they once had.
Winter is shrinking
If this kind of weather is going to become the new normal, Williams said he may have to forgo his favourite winter activities. “That's part of what makes the winters in Sudbury enjoyable,” he said. “You get the snow you can go out and cross-country ski ...
Best Buy closings: steep cuts. More to come?
Christian Science Monitor
What Best Buy needs to figure out is how those Blue Shirts will operate in the fast changing retail environment Dunn calls the "new normal." In truth, Best Buy's plan to close 50 big box stores this year is probably only the beginning.

Christian Science Monitor
Deal breaker
Salt Lake Tribune
Recent agreements suggested that such compromise, under the All of the Above energy policies that leaders of both parties claim to embrace, could become the new normal. Unfortunately, it appears that another extractive enterprise — Denver's Gasco ...
Our View: Dueling deficits
Peoria Journal Star
For Democrats, deficits that once would have set records are the "new normal" for as far as the eye can see. The New York Times, of course, characterized the Ryan budget as "careless," citing his proposals to cut spending on Medicaid, food stamps, ...
Kosinski makes pitch to be NCCC president
The Adirondack Daily Enterprise
Kosinski said less funding is the new normal in higher education. He said one way to address new budget shortfalls is to build better public and private partnerships. He said Gateway College worked with major hospitals in and around New Haven, Conn., ...
Why even selling the firm is on the table at bloodied RIM
Globe and Mail
Mr. Lazaridis, who became vice-chair of RIM’s board when the two co-CEOs resigned in January, remains on the board in a role that sees him responsible for a committee focused on technological innovation....
A new way to fight crime
The Mercury
It's centralized, immediate and proactive. It could also become the new normal. Chester County native Chris Papst is an Emmy Award-winning reporter for CBS-21 news in Harrisburg who lives in Berks County. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter @chrispapst.
Survey: Business owners believe economy will never be same again
Milwaukee Business Journal
At least half of the owners of small and midsize businesses surveyed recently believe the US economy will never be the same again. It's the view I hear over and over again on the streets. Whether you call it the “new normal” or a “reset,” it won't be ...
Just for living in your American skin
Patheos (blog)
Naturally they're defensive about any challenge towards this new normal they've invented. And you know, it connects to the hateful fucks who were pissed Rue was played by an actress of color. So many of the worst tweets were down right bitter that they ...
Report cards still up in the air
Cranbrook Daily Townsman
"I don't think we'll see normal for a long time, I think we'll see a new normal," he said. Gook hopes the contract dispute will not interrupt students' learning again this school year. "We're always worried when there may be something that prevents ...
'S'poreans have moved beyond race issues'
Yahoo! Singapore News (blog)
These days, we are more into the sexy concepts such as owning a "First World Parliament" and establishing a "New Normal". And perhaps we should also look towards addressing the brewing xenophobia sentiment. Belmont Lay is one of the editors of New ...

Yahoo! Singapore News (blog)
Falling jobless benefits behind slow income growth
The separate report showing a modest boost to consumer sentiment, even with gasoline prices on the rise, also is a positive sign. Read story on sentiment. It may not be great, and the situation is still fragile, but the US economy is finding a new normal.
ANZCA Bulletin out now
New Zealand Doctor Online
A year after New Zealand's devastating earthquakes, Christchurch anaesthetists are getting used to the "new normal". Christchurch Hospital's Department of Anaesthesia has fared remarkably well, with Clinical Director Dr Richard French saying all ...
Fulton plans seamless succession, leaders say
Central Penn Business Journal
We got through that whole process and we are on the mend and back to inventing the new normal for the banking industry and this company and we're well on our way in that progress. What do you see as the main challenges over the next couple of years?
Chinese Small Caps 'Held In Contempt'
Seeking Alpha
Maybe a P/E of 2 or 3 is the new normal for these higher risk firms. One tool a company has at its disposal when valuations become too low is dividends. If enough the P/E ratio is low enough to provide very high yields for shareholders, ...
Cheap Fashion Glasses Website Moves To The High Street
SourceWire (press release)
But channel-hopping is becoming the 'new normal' for today's Internet-savvy shopper so we envisage a high proportion of high street sales coming from this consumer sector as they will use the store as a showroom for online purchases.
Late March M's Roundtable with Jay and Marc
Seattle Post Intelligencer (blog)
His hitting will clearly get a boost from a recovery from the IBS/oblique/pectoral issues, but I think his true talent (purely as a hitter) in 2012, is lower, and he'll be recovering to a new “normal” level that's probably in the .290-.310 wOBA range ...

Seattle Post Intelligencer (blog)
Best Buy's CEO Discusses Q4 2012 Results - Earnings Call Transcript
Seeking Alpha
Last year, to better navigate the "new normal" consumer environment, we took some important steps to begin transforming the company and focusing on strategies we felt offered the best opportunities to deliver improved returns.
UBS cuts 15 as banks bid to solve equities puzzle
Financial News
... in the European equities markets began the year on a low with the value traded across the public platforms in January down 16% year-on-year, according to Thomson Reuters, in a trend that market participants predicted would become the "new normal".

Financial News
Calcutta Telegraph
... important states, its leaders are content. In today's India, corruption has become more evenly spread among political parties. This may explain why there is a political consensus against those in civil society who want to disrupt the cosy, new normal.

Calcutta Telegraph
Not 1, Not 2, But 3 New Reports Out This Week Link Extreme ...
By Daniel Kessler
And if you think this new normal doesn't have consequences just look around. Here's two quick examples: Groesbeck, TX: The city of Groesbeck almost ran out of water completely in November 2011. The city had to spend $250000 to pipe ...
Latest Items from TreeHugger
New York Times (blog)
Yes and no, and maybe — as Elizabeth Weil writes in Puberty Before Age 10: A New 'Normal'? for The New York Times Magazine, it depends on how you define puberty. “Well-respected researchers at three big institutions — Cincinnati Children's Hospital, ...
Budget makes late retirement the new normal
The news was not unexpected, and for those of Generation X age or younger, it was simply more confirmation of what they've been told most of their lives: expect to work longer and retire poorer than your parents. Finance Minister Jim Flaherty announced ...
Flooding Risk Rises Statewide
New York Times
The increased frequency of these flood-causing events has scientists wondering if this is the “new normal” for New Jersey, while public officials, engineers and insurance companies grapple with how to respond. “We don't know what normal is anymore,” ...
New York Times
Thanks To E-Books, Book Publishers Find Flat Is The New Up
Large book publishers' most recent earnings reports reflect a new normal: Revenues are roughly flat, but profits are up—in large part due to e-books. In the 2011 Bertelsmann annual report released this week, Random House said it has nearly 40000 ...
Counting the cost of cashing in
Sydney Morning Herald
THRIFT is the new normal. Pummelled by insecurity over Europe's near meltdown and falling house prices, Australians are paying down their mortgages at record rates. In just four years, we have gone from being a nation intent on using rocketing home ...
Sydney Morning Herald
With World IPv6 Launch, IPv6 on by default will be the new normal
Ars Technica
... meeting for a near-impromptu lunch get-together, talking about what some of the big World IPv6 Launch participants are doing. ISOC's Phil Roberts, moderator of the panel, kicked things off by saying that "IPv6 'on by default' is the new normal.
Ars Technica
Phoenix PR, advertising agencies taking different roads to new normal
Phoenix Business Journal
Standing in front of a billboard featuring his dad, Ed Lane, EB Lane CEO Beau Lane is celebrating his agency's 50th anniversary. Beau Lane is getting into Hispanic and digital marketing for his clients. Scott Harkey and Matthew Owens opened a new ...
The state budget: Winners and … winners?
Crain's New York Business
The new normal is a budget that grows but at a much slower rate. Advocates adjusted their expectations accordingly. “On the goals we set for ourselves for this budget, we came out successful,” said Alliance for Quality Education Executive Director ...
Time for Unchange
American Thinker
By Randall Hoven If we use terms such as "the new normal" for the economy, what was the old normal? Was there even a "normal," or were things always turbulent or spiraling out of control? Believe it or not, the federal budget used to have a "normal.
3 Ways To Get Your Mojo Back After Divorce
Huffington Post (blog)
Give yourself a minute to heal and establish a new normal. You're used to being in a relationship, waking up next to someone, having someone to hang out with on weekends and holidays. The end of a relationship requires healing, and healing is not ...
Bond fund investors ride out market's bumps
If the first quarter is any indicator, bond market behavior may finally reflect the “new normal” that Pimco's Bill Gross and others first started talking about a few years back. In the first three months of 2012, long-dated government debt funds fell ...
House prices soft – more to come
The report also suggested this was the “new normal” environment, with households likely to save more and lend less, and unlikely to fuel any rebound in house price growth. According to the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA), households have increased ...
Making Sense of the Wacky Weather
New York Times (blog)
“More recently, I've been saying: 'We may already be seeing examples of a new normal.'” In other words, scientists are getting bolder about linking the crazy weather patterns, and even specific events, to global warming caused by human activity.
New York Times (blog)
Money should be used to boost education, fix roads and repair budget holes
Columbus Dispatch
John Kasich is taking this deep-cut budget as the new normal as he proposes a plan to raise taxes on oil-and-gas drilling and swap the revenue for income-tax cuts. Rather, we should be doing everything we can to build up the opportunities for young ...
Columbus Dispatch
Keeping cameras rolling in face of disaster
The Japan Times
One foreign commentator called it the "most normal" film on the Yubari program, but actually the grotesque/bizarre, manga- and anime-influenced genre pic has become the new normal, especially among foreign J-film fans. I haven't been totally sorry to ...
The Japan Times
Second finalist visits NCCC
Plattsburgh Press Republican
"We're in a new normal," he said. "We can't depend on old formulas any more to get where we want to go." Being realistic, Kosinski said, means knowing that state and federal government do not have financial resources they once had.
Winter is shrinking
If this kind of weather is going to become the new normal, Williams said he may have to forgo his favourite winter activities. “That's part of what makes the winters in Sudbury enjoyable,” he said. “You get the snow you can go out and cross-country ski ...
Best Buy closings: steep cuts. More to come?
Christian Science Monitor
What Best Buy needs to figure out is how those Blue Shirts will operate in the fast changing retail environment Dunn calls the "new normal." In truth, Best Buy's plan to close 50 big box stores this year is probably only the beginning.
Christian Science Monitor
Deal breaker
Salt Lake Tribune
Recent agreements suggested that such compromise, under the All of the Above energy policies that leaders of both parties claim to embrace, could become the new normal. Unfortunately, it appears that another extractive enterprise — Denver's Gasco ...
Our View: Dueling deficits
Peoria Journal Star
For Democrats, deficits that once would have set records are the "new normal" for as far as the eye can see. The New York Times, of course, characterized the Ryan budget as "careless," citing his proposals to cut spending on Medicaid, food stamps, ...
Kosinski makes pitch to be NCCC president
The Adirondack Daily Enterprise
Kosinski said less funding is the new normal in higher education. He said one way to address new budget shortfalls is to build better public and private partnerships. He said Gateway College worked with major hospitals in and around New Haven, Conn., ...
Why even selling the firm is on the table at bloodied RIM
Globe and Mail
Mr. Lazaridis, who became vice-chair of RIM’s board when the two co-CEOs resigned in January, remains on the board in a role that sees him responsible for a committee focused on technological innovation....
A new way to fight crime
The Mercury
It's centralized, immediate and proactive. It could also become the new normal. Chester County native Chris Papst is an Emmy Award-winning reporter for CBS-21 news in Harrisburg who lives in Berks County. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter @chrispapst.
Survey: Business owners believe economy will never be same again
Milwaukee Business Journal
At least half of the owners of small and midsize businesses surveyed recently believe the US economy will never be the same again. It's the view I hear over and over again on the streets. Whether you call it the “new normal” or a “reset,” it won't be ...
Just for living in your American skin
Patheos (blog)
Naturally they're defensive about any challenge towards this new normal they've invented. And you know, it connects to the hateful fucks who were pissed Rue was played by an actress of color. So many of the worst tweets were down right bitter that they ...
Report cards still up in the air
Cranbrook Daily Townsman
"I don't think we'll see normal for a long time, I think we'll see a new normal," he said. Gook hopes the contract dispute will not interrupt students' learning again this school year. "We're always worried when there may be something that prevents ...
'S'poreans have moved beyond race issues'
Yahoo! Singapore News (blog)
These days, we are more into the sexy concepts such as owning a "First World Parliament" and establishing a "New Normal". And perhaps we should also look towards addressing the brewing xenophobia sentiment. Belmont Lay is one of the editors of New ...
Yahoo! Singapore News (blog)
Falling jobless benefits behind slow income growth
The separate report showing a modest boost to consumer sentiment, even with gasoline prices on the rise, also is a positive sign. Read story on sentiment. It may not be great, and the situation is still fragile, but the US economy is finding a new normal.
ANZCA Bulletin out now
New Zealand Doctor Online
A year after New Zealand's devastating earthquakes, Christchurch anaesthetists are getting used to the "new normal". Christchurch Hospital's Department of Anaesthesia has fared remarkably well, with Clinical Director Dr Richard French saying all ...
Fulton plans seamless succession, leaders say
Central Penn Business Journal
We got through that whole process and we are on the mend and back to inventing the new normal for the banking industry and this company and we're well on our way in that progress. What do you see as the main challenges over the next couple of years?
Chinese Small Caps 'Held In Contempt'
Seeking Alpha
Maybe a P/E of 2 or 3 is the new normal for these higher risk firms. One tool a company has at its disposal when valuations become too low is dividends. If enough the P/E ratio is low enough to provide very high yields for shareholders, ...
Cheap Fashion Glasses Website Moves To The High Street
SourceWire (press release)
But channel-hopping is becoming the 'new normal' for today's Internet-savvy shopper so we envisage a high proportion of high street sales coming from this consumer sector as they will use the store as a showroom for online purchases.
Late March M's Roundtable with Jay and Marc
Seattle Post Intelligencer (blog)
His hitting will clearly get a boost from a recovery from the IBS/oblique/pectoral issues, but I think his true talent (purely as a hitter) in 2012, is lower, and he'll be recovering to a new “normal” level that's probably in the .290-.310 wOBA range ...
Seattle Post Intelligencer (blog)
Best Buy's CEO Discusses Q4 2012 Results - Earnings Call Transcript
Seeking Alpha
Last year, to better navigate the "new normal" consumer environment, we took some important steps to begin transforming the company and focusing on strategies we felt offered the best opportunities to deliver improved returns.
UBS cuts 15 as banks bid to solve equities puzzle
Financial News
... in the European equities markets began the year on a low with the value traded across the public platforms in January down 16% year-on-year, according to Thomson Reuters, in a trend that market participants predicted would become the "new normal".
Financial News
Calcutta Telegraph
... important states, its leaders are content. In today's India, corruption has become more evenly spread among political parties. This may explain why there is a political consensus against those in civil society who want to disrupt the cosy, new normal.
Calcutta Telegraph
Not 1, Not 2, But 3 New Reports Out This Week Link Extreme ...
By Daniel Kessler
And if you think this new normal doesn't have consequences just look around. Here's two quick examples: Groesbeck, TX: The city of Groesbeck almost ran out of water completely in November 2011. The city had to spend $250000 to pipe ...
Latest Items from TreeHugger
RPSD 2010 » Apple Laptops
By tracybob
Apple notebooks are usually thought to be the new normal every time one is introduced. The newest to make a actual common could be the Apple Mac Pro 13-inch notebook. Of all the so-called Apple notebooks ever to be removed, your ...
RPSD 2010
Climate change is already harshing the weather | Grist
We don't seem to be grappling with the fact that this kind of volatility is rapidly becoming the new normal — or that we are totally unprepared. If the public does tune in to what little media coverage there is of the climate-weather connection, they ...
Puberty Before Age 10 - A New 'Normal'? -
What science tells us about the incredible shrinking childhood.
Wounded warrior embraces new normal, new employment – Part ...
Share Foreword by Major (ret) Arturo R. Murguia Today, we close out our series on Army Master Sergeant (ret) Jeffrey Mittman. While we focused on Jeff and his ...
New Normal News: Deeper recessions the new normal?
on home sales. you should forget about this thing already for god's sake. this is like a 60 years old baby-boomer statistics. get used to the new normal. who ...
New Normal – Still Part of the Vernacular - AFAM - March 19, 2012
Have to say that I chuckled a bit when I read in Saturday's New York Times that “ most professional investors think that a black swan event is possible,” even as a ...
Follow @NewNormalNews