A good portion of young America will stay home in November, not as a protest vote against the president, but because they've accepted the new normal as a long-term inevitability that no president can change. They've entered the real world, ... (blog)
Johan set to make first start on normal rest
But it may have seemed short for Johan Santana, given that extra rest has become the new normal for him this April. After making each of his first four starts on an extra day of rest, Santana will pitch on regular rest Sunday for the first time this ...
What's worrying Indian IT services and can Infosys, TCS, Wipro, HCL Tech come ...
Times of India
Infosys calls this uncertain environment "the new normal" . It points to the financial services space to exemplify what's happening. "In the financial services space, what we are seeing is zero-based budget with month-to-month spending philosophy ...
With boom over, Las Vegas enters Era of Normal
Las Vegas Review - Journal
Swanson, Jackson and Harris represent a new normal: The job isn't the only reason to be here. "If everyone moved here simply for economic opportunity, we should have had tens of thousands of people leave," Aguero said. "If people were operating as ...
Stocks: Jobs, manufacturing and autos in focus
Investors want to know whether that's a blip or the new normal. But before the jobs data, there are several economic reports for investors to consider. On Tuesday morning at 10 am, a key national reading on manufacturing will be released.
Is the outsourcing story unravelling?
The Hindu
“We are in a new normal, and it [the global economy] will continue to be volatile,” he told The Hindu. Companies, he said, had “to adjust” to extreme volatility in demand for services that had been outsourced for many years now.
County cuts: OSP and city police back-up help
This summer, Lane County policing hits a new normal. Deputies on the road will nose-dive to single digits. "All of these are going to have impacts on law enforcement; all the communities, all the cities," said Springfield Police Chief, Jerry Smith.
Marilyn Heins: ParenTip of the week: New kinds of families take on child-rearing
Arizona Daily Star
Now it is the new normal." The fastest growth of births outside of marriage occurred in white women in their 20s with only some college education. As college graduates tend to marry before having children, sociologist Frank F. Furstenberg, ...
Housing market might buck trend
“People have begun to realize that this is our new normal right now.” In the short term, the lower prices and low interest rates have fueled a buyers' frenzy not seen since the region's housing market began to go sour in 2006.
6 Spa Treatments for the Freaky Rich
Here's the new normal among bizarre spa treatments: A plant farm in northern Israel offers the full-body snake massage for $70. Bigger snakes will knead the belly or back while smaller ones wiggle around your face. (Time offers a video.) ...
5 years later, memories remain
After five years we hit a new normal. We learned to live with it.” That normal hit a high last October for the Umbrells when they held their first grandchild, Danica. “It's the first time I really felt joy” since Colby, Nancy said.
Laptops replace lectures in some area schools
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
But as the new normal. "We need to make a fundamental shift to customized learning plans for each student, which are attached to world-class standards and which move at a pace that challenge but don't discourage them," Rickabaugh said.
Fashion Talk: Brand films are the new way to get style seekers excited
The National
Although the idea of a fashion movie is not exactly new - Nick Knight's award-winning fashion website, SHOW Studio, has championed the moving image since 2000 - the brand campaign movie has become the new normal, especially in terms of showcasing a ...
Election 2012: Shane Davidson biobox
The reality is we are living in a day and time the literature calls the "New Normal." Three major events have changed our demography the last decade: One, 9-11; two, Katrina; and three, the economic crisis of 2008. The coming years are even more ...
Black Sunday still reverberates 30 years later
Grand Junction Sentinel
“I think we get caught up in the rush and excitement and the good jobs and the high tax revenues and the great business opportunities that that brings and become convinced again and again that that is a new normal, when it's a peak.
Gareth Howlett: Worried investors and young children have a lot in common
And when we get there, what will the “new normal” look like? I have a fairly strong hunch that it will be much more like the obstacle race of 1900-1980 than the escalator of 1980-2000. This is not to underestimate the hugely transformative impact of ...
NPR Asks: 'Is Slow Growth Actually Good for the Economy?'
By Bonfire of the Absurdities
3 Thumb down 0. Seems that the progs are trying to make a weak unproductive economy thenew normal. Figures. Reply to this specific comment. Progressive Hemrrhoid April 28, 2012 at 6:49 pm. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 1 Thumb down 0 ...
I Hate the Media Article Feed
Survive, Thrive, Prevail: Finding the New Normal for CA Nonprofits ...
Survive, Thrive, Prevail: Finding the New Normal for CA Nonprofits. istockphoto. Thursday, May 10, 2012 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.. The Crawford Family Forum 474 South ...
Arup | Designing the new normal | csid
Our world is changing; it always has and it always will. Our greatest challenge is often not how to recognize change, but what to do about it. What responsibility ...
Grazing Management in the New 'Normal'
Madison County Courier
By Troy Bishopp (Town of Eaton, NY) As a veteran grazier, I'm concerned about the phrases, “The 300 year flood, Peak Soil, Peal Oil, Climate Change and The New Normal” frequently heard in the news. Should I discount them as just an anomaly,...

Madison County Courier
After the storm: Cherokee Valley survivor seeks 'new normal'
... and once perfect strangers, at their best. "It changes you," Cochran says. "It makes you appreciate the things that you never thought of. And things that were so important, are not important to you." One more step, in the journey to a new 'normal.'
Climate Leadership From American Colleges and Universities
Huffington Post
It's clearly time for our nation to begin adapting to a "new normal," as the climate is irrefutably changing. We need climate preparedness and models for a low-carbon American economy. In 2007, a small group of visionary college and university ...
SBCC Names Lori Gaskin as President
"This is the new normal and I don't except that because there is nothing normal about these circumstances," Gaskin told KEY News. "This is the new reality, this is what we're facing. Let's do this together and let's envision Santa Barbara City College ...
Thoughts on Three
Life as a family of five is starting to settle and soon we will begin to figure out our new normal. Several weeks ago, a dad proudly holding his newborn daughter told me that parenting three children was tough, but not as tough two children.
"Everyone wants to help... because it's a neighborhood"
Residents are living a new normal. In and around the Eagle Landing subdivision, near Flintstone, Georgia, a year has done a lot for clean-up, recovery, rebuilding, and re-roofing. Many of the homes look just as they did before the storm, though there ...
Paul Krugman's Prescription For A 'Depression'
"We've kind of settled into the notion that this is the new normal," he says. "But it shouldn't be. And it's not something we should accept." In End This Depression Now! Krugman excuses 1930s policymakers for fumbling their way out of the Great ...
Bible study group Plans retreat
Big Bear Grizzly
“Living a New Normal” is the theme of the upcoming retreat sponsored by the Women's Community Bible Study of Big Bear Lake The retreat will be May 19 at Pine Summit Christian Camp. Lori Hartman is the featured speaker. The mother of six has been ...
What Are Safe Assets In Today's World?
Seeking Alpha
We are all very well aware that the new normal of increased volatility and low interest rates forces us to reconsider our investment strategies. Indeed, John Maxfield of the Motley Fool points out that the bond market has substantially changed with the ...
Sask. writers stack up well against best in the country
Regina Leader-Post
Publishing in Education: Coteau Books - Ice Storm: Disaster Strikes #6, Penny Draper; CPRC Press/University of Regina - The New Normal: The Canadian Prairies in a Changing Climate, David Sauchyn, Harry Diaz, Suren Kulshreshtha; Gabriel Dumont Institute ...
iSnap feature excites media specialist companies
Malaysia Star
If it can attain critical mass, it will redefine what newspapers can do and set a new normal,” he says. iSnap, launched earlier this month, is a Star Mobile App that is available on Android and iOS phones or tablets. By pointing the device's camera at ...
Rochester teen takes a stand against bullying
Her efforts have a single aim: To create a culture that no longer tolerates bullying, of creating anew normal, even though a world free of bullying, as far as anyone can recall, has never really existed. It doesn't matter, Grafe said. She has to try.
The Long Road To Recovery In Tuscaloosa
He got his home back and is adjusting to a new normal. “I haven't had too many people bothering me and I think I've adjusted pretty good and things have been going normal for me,” says Jefferson. Tuscaloosa officials say they've cleaned up 99% of the ...
The next Bric thing
Financial Times
In its place, the new normal in emerging markets will be much like the old normal, dating back to the 1950s and 1960s, when growth averaged 5 per cent and gains by some countries were offset by crises in others. “Failure to sustain growth is the...

Financial Times
It's ain't easy being green
Carman Valley Leader
Gardens are the new normal – “it's the urban townhouse sporting the perfectly manicured lawn that has become radical,” says Dale, of Our love affair with grass has her stumped: “I am glad to see it sputter to an end.
The Gamification Of Almost Everything: Education, Exercise, Discounts And Cow ...
International Business Times
"Games are the new normal," said Al Gore, the former US vice president and Nobel Prize winner at a conference last June. Gore is in talks with developers to use gamification to educate people about the effects of climate change.
Romney keeps focus on economy despite Obama attacks
"Polls show that Americans feel unemployment is worse than the current rate and the president's assertions that the current rate of growth is the new normal puts him at odds with voters," Republican strategist Adam Temple said.
Old TV habit gives way to normalcy
Pueblo Chieftain
I developed a new normal. Detox allowed me to see how inane, insulting and spiritually damaging the bulk of TV programming can be. Three words summarize this: "America's Funniest Videos." When Lent came along, and services claimed Sunday evenings, ...
NPR wonders if a bad economy is good for the economy
Human Events
We want an economy of dynamism, risk-taking, investment, and high ambition, not a dreary soviet that accepts perpetual stagnation as the New Normal, and devolves accordingly to adapt. The last thing we need is for America to grow comfortable on its ...
Primetime Pilot Panic: 2nd Hot List Update
Comedy-wise, the Ryan Murphy-Ali Adler blended family single-camera project THENEW NORMAL has been eying an early pickup to join recently ordered to series GO ON starring Matthew Perry. Other single-camera pilots in serious contention to join Go On ...
Conservatives, NDP statistically tied: poll
Montreal Gazette
We will have to monitor the tracking on a go forward basis to see if this is the new normal or if the trend line readjusts." From a scathing auditor general's report on the cost of the F-35, to massive job and service cuts in the latest budget, ...
Augusta's luxury real estate market tough, not impossible
The Augusta Chronicle
“I think people are beginning to make their peace with the new normal.” David Burton, an associate broker at Sand Hills, is trying to sell his own home on Walton Way and said he never imagined how difficult it would be. He and his wife always planned ...
Parisian elite faces reckoning day
National Business Review
My article in 2008 on the “new normal” was prescient in predicting the extreme difficulty of incumbents to retain power when they were driven by the exigencies of the situation to inflict pain on their constituents. Since then no incumbents have been ...
Editorial Quick Hits: Other views
The Detroit News
... "roll the dice a little bit more" on subsidized housing. That is a government living large, and in time the boys and girls at the General Services Administration and agencies everywhere saw that "roll the dice a little bit more" was the new normal.
After the storm: Cherokee Valley survivor seeks 'new normal ...
Catoosa County has few areas as beautiful as Cherokee Valley Road. But no area suffered more during the tornadoes of April 27, 2011.
Times Free Press stories: Latest News
The Weekly T Report: BJ and the Bear – TF Market Advisors
By tchirp
By Wednesday afternoon, it was back to the “new” normal. Not the one with 2% GDP growth (which got) but the one where markets are dependent on central banks for support and liquidity. From the moment the FOMC minutes hit the tape, the ...
TF Market Advisors
PJ Media » Sharpton Sows Seeds of Next L.A. Riot
By Jack Dunphy
Again, in Orwellian fashion, blacks killing whites at what may amount to a 15 to 1 ratio demographically, and at 10 times the rate whites lynched blacks from 1882-1968, in fact is Lee's “new normal,” where whites kill blacks like ninja assassins ...
PJ Media
When Will We Be Asked For Our Papers? | novatownhall blog
By jacob
The most pernicious aspect of all this is that such restrictions and indignities have become thenew normal. How can one miss something, if one never had it in the first place? Most people are too young to have experienced a world without the ...
novatownhall blog
Eye on Wisconsin: Is the Ron Johnson Model the New Normal?
Is the Ron Johnson Model the New Normal? In 2010 a rich political newcomer won the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in Wisconsin. Ron Johnson went ...
The New Normal: A demographer and an economist explain what ...
Leave it to a demographer and an economist to stir things up. "Looking into the future, things aren't all that great," said state economist Tom Stinson, but the New ...
Brainstorm: Recovery-The New Normal
This is the first in a series of posts about living with and recovering from major illness. Many thanks to Jonny and a number of dear friends who agreed to share ...
Follow @NewNormalNews
Here's the new normal among bizarre spa treatments: A plant farm in northern Israel offers the full-body snake massage for $70. Bigger snakes will knead the belly or back while smaller ones wiggle around your face. (Time offers a video.) ...
5 years later, memories remain
After five years we hit a new normal. We learned to live with it.” That normal hit a high last October for the Umbrells when they held their first grandchild, Danica. “It's the first time I really felt joy” since Colby, Nancy said.
Laptops replace lectures in some area schools
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
But as the new normal. "We need to make a fundamental shift to customized learning plans for each student, which are attached to world-class standards and which move at a pace that challenge but don't discourage them," Rickabaugh said.
Fashion Talk: Brand films are the new way to get style seekers excited
The National
Although the idea of a fashion movie is not exactly new - Nick Knight's award-winning fashion website, SHOW Studio, has championed the moving image since 2000 - the brand campaign movie has become the new normal, especially in terms of showcasing a ...
Election 2012: Shane Davidson biobox
The reality is we are living in a day and time the literature calls the "New Normal." Three major events have changed our demography the last decade: One, 9-11; two, Katrina; and three, the economic crisis of 2008. The coming years are even more ...
Black Sunday still reverberates 30 years later
Grand Junction Sentinel
“I think we get caught up in the rush and excitement and the good jobs and the high tax revenues and the great business opportunities that that brings and become convinced again and again that that is a new normal, when it's a peak.
Gareth Howlett: Worried investors and young children have a lot in common
And when we get there, what will the “new normal” look like? I have a fairly strong hunch that it will be much more like the obstacle race of 1900-1980 than the escalator of 1980-2000. This is not to underestimate the hugely transformative impact of ...
NPR Asks: 'Is Slow Growth Actually Good for the Economy?'
By Bonfire of the Absurdities
3 Thumb down 0. Seems that the progs are trying to make a weak unproductive economy thenew normal. Figures. Reply to this specific comment. Progressive Hemrrhoid April 28, 2012 at 6:49 pm. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 1 Thumb down 0 ...
I Hate the Media Article Feed
new normal - Holeman Landscape
Written by John Katterjohn Crazy Spring. A few weeks ago we enjoyed some beautiful eighty degree, sunny days. After not having much of a winter at all, it felt ...
Written by John Katterjohn Crazy Spring. A few weeks ago we enjoyed some beautiful eighty degree, sunny days. After not having much of a winter at all, it felt ...
Survive, Thrive, Prevail: Finding the New Normal for CA Nonprofits ...
Survive, Thrive, Prevail: Finding the New Normal for CA Nonprofits. istockphoto. Thursday, May 10, 2012 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.. The Crawford Family Forum 474 South ...
Arup | Designing the new normal | csid
Our world is changing; it always has and it always will. Our greatest challenge is often not how to recognize change, but what to do about it. What responsibility ...
Grazing Management in the New 'Normal'
Madison County Courier
By Troy Bishopp (Town of Eaton, NY) As a veteran grazier, I'm concerned about the phrases, “The 300 year flood, Peak Soil, Peal Oil, Climate Change and The New Normal” frequently heard in the news. Should I discount them as just an anomaly,...
Madison County Courier
After the storm: Cherokee Valley survivor seeks 'new normal'
... and once perfect strangers, at their best. "It changes you," Cochran says. "It makes you appreciate the things that you never thought of. And things that were so important, are not important to you." One more step, in the journey to a new 'normal.'
Climate Leadership From American Colleges and Universities
Huffington Post
It's clearly time for our nation to begin adapting to a "new normal," as the climate is irrefutably changing. We need climate preparedness and models for a low-carbon American economy. In 2007, a small group of visionary college and university ...
SBCC Names Lori Gaskin as President
"This is the new normal and I don't except that because there is nothing normal about these circumstances," Gaskin told KEY News. "This is the new reality, this is what we're facing. Let's do this together and let's envision Santa Barbara City College ...
Thoughts on Three
Life as a family of five is starting to settle and soon we will begin to figure out our new normal. Several weeks ago, a dad proudly holding his newborn daughter told me that parenting three children was tough, but not as tough two children.
"Everyone wants to help... because it's a neighborhood"
Residents are living a new normal. In and around the Eagle Landing subdivision, near Flintstone, Georgia, a year has done a lot for clean-up, recovery, rebuilding, and re-roofing. Many of the homes look just as they did before the storm, though there ...
Paul Krugman's Prescription For A 'Depression'
"We've kind of settled into the notion that this is the new normal," he says. "But it shouldn't be. And it's not something we should accept." In End This Depression Now! Krugman excuses 1930s policymakers for fumbling their way out of the Great ...
Bible study group Plans retreat
Big Bear Grizzly
“Living a New Normal” is the theme of the upcoming retreat sponsored by the Women's Community Bible Study of Big Bear Lake The retreat will be May 19 at Pine Summit Christian Camp. Lori Hartman is the featured speaker. The mother of six has been ...
What Are Safe Assets In Today's World?
Seeking Alpha
We are all very well aware that the new normal of increased volatility and low interest rates forces us to reconsider our investment strategies. Indeed, John Maxfield of the Motley Fool points out that the bond market has substantially changed with the ...
Sask. writers stack up well against best in the country
Regina Leader-Post
Publishing in Education: Coteau Books - Ice Storm: Disaster Strikes #6, Penny Draper; CPRC Press/University of Regina - The New Normal: The Canadian Prairies in a Changing Climate, David Sauchyn, Harry Diaz, Suren Kulshreshtha; Gabriel Dumont Institute ...
iSnap feature excites media specialist companies
Malaysia Star
If it can attain critical mass, it will redefine what newspapers can do and set a new normal,” he says. iSnap, launched earlier this month, is a Star Mobile App that is available on Android and iOS phones or tablets. By pointing the device's camera at ...
Rochester teen takes a stand against bullying
Her efforts have a single aim: To create a culture that no longer tolerates bullying, of creating anew normal, even though a world free of bullying, as far as anyone can recall, has never really existed. It doesn't matter, Grafe said. She has to try.
The Long Road To Recovery In Tuscaloosa
He got his home back and is adjusting to a new normal. “I haven't had too many people bothering me and I think I've adjusted pretty good and things have been going normal for me,” says Jefferson. Tuscaloosa officials say they've cleaned up 99% of the ...
The next Bric thing
Financial Times
In its place, the new normal in emerging markets will be much like the old normal, dating back to the 1950s and 1960s, when growth averaged 5 per cent and gains by some countries were offset by crises in others. “Failure to sustain growth is the...
Financial Times
It's ain't easy being green
Carman Valley Leader
Gardens are the new normal – “it's the urban townhouse sporting the perfectly manicured lawn that has become radical,” says Dale, of Our love affair with grass has her stumped: “I am glad to see it sputter to an end.
The Gamification Of Almost Everything: Education, Exercise, Discounts And Cow ...
International Business Times
"Games are the new normal," said Al Gore, the former US vice president and Nobel Prize winner at a conference last June. Gore is in talks with developers to use gamification to educate people about the effects of climate change.
Romney keeps focus on economy despite Obama attacks
"Polls show that Americans feel unemployment is worse than the current rate and the president's assertions that the current rate of growth is the new normal puts him at odds with voters," Republican strategist Adam Temple said.
Old TV habit gives way to normalcy
Pueblo Chieftain
I developed a new normal. Detox allowed me to see how inane, insulting and spiritually damaging the bulk of TV programming can be. Three words summarize this: "America's Funniest Videos." When Lent came along, and services claimed Sunday evenings, ...
NPR wonders if a bad economy is good for the economy
Human Events
We want an economy of dynamism, risk-taking, investment, and high ambition, not a dreary soviet that accepts perpetual stagnation as the New Normal, and devolves accordingly to adapt. The last thing we need is for America to grow comfortable on its ...
Primetime Pilot Panic: 2nd Hot List Update
Comedy-wise, the Ryan Murphy-Ali Adler blended family single-camera project THENEW NORMAL has been eying an early pickup to join recently ordered to series GO ON starring Matthew Perry. Other single-camera pilots in serious contention to join Go On ...
Conservatives, NDP statistically tied: poll
Montreal Gazette
We will have to monitor the tracking on a go forward basis to see if this is the new normal or if the trend line readjusts." From a scathing auditor general's report on the cost of the F-35, to massive job and service cuts in the latest budget, ...
Augusta's luxury real estate market tough, not impossible
The Augusta Chronicle
“I think people are beginning to make their peace with the new normal.” David Burton, an associate broker at Sand Hills, is trying to sell his own home on Walton Way and said he never imagined how difficult it would be. He and his wife always planned ...
Parisian elite faces reckoning day
National Business Review
My article in 2008 on the “new normal” was prescient in predicting the extreme difficulty of incumbents to retain power when they were driven by the exigencies of the situation to inflict pain on their constituents. Since then no incumbents have been ...
Editorial Quick Hits: Other views
The Detroit News
... "roll the dice a little bit more" on subsidized housing. That is a government living large, and in time the boys and girls at the General Services Administration and agencies everywhere saw that "roll the dice a little bit more" was the new normal.
After the storm: Cherokee Valley survivor seeks 'new normal ...
Catoosa County has few areas as beautiful as Cherokee Valley Road. But no area suffered more during the tornadoes of April 27, 2011.
Times Free Press stories: Latest News
The Weekly T Report: BJ and the Bear – TF Market Advisors
By tchirp
By Wednesday afternoon, it was back to the “new” normal. Not the one with 2% GDP growth (which got) but the one where markets are dependent on central banks for support and liquidity. From the moment the FOMC minutes hit the tape, the ...
TF Market Advisors
PJ Media » Sharpton Sows Seeds of Next L.A. Riot
By Jack Dunphy
Again, in Orwellian fashion, blacks killing whites at what may amount to a 15 to 1 ratio demographically, and at 10 times the rate whites lynched blacks from 1882-1968, in fact is Lee's “new normal,” where whites kill blacks like ninja assassins ...
PJ Media
When Will We Be Asked For Our Papers? | novatownhall blog
By jacob
The most pernicious aspect of all this is that such restrictions and indignities have become thenew normal. How can one miss something, if one never had it in the first place? Most people are too young to have experienced a world without the ...
novatownhall blog
Eye on Wisconsin: Is the Ron Johnson Model the New Normal?
Is the Ron Johnson Model the New Normal? In 2010 a rich political newcomer won the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in Wisconsin. Ron Johnson went ...
The New Normal: A demographer and an economist explain what ...
Leave it to a demographer and an economist to stir things up. "Looking into the future, things aren't all that great," said state economist Tom Stinson, but the New ...
Brainstorm: Recovery-The New Normal
This is the first in a series of posts about living with and recovering from major illness. Many thanks to Jonny and a number of dear friends who agreed to share ...
Follow @NewNormalNews