In addition to job losses the so-called new normal in the world of global banking also means no more blockbuster earnings. Just check out big bank earnings of the last couple of weeks. Did any big financial firm really impress you with its stellar ...
Vetting General Contractors
Experts agree, this is a “new normal” with smaller volumes, tighter margins and even more cautious owners. Many contractors' balance sheets have been decimated. Excepting a small minority of the clever or the lucky, commercial and institutional ...
The 2012 IA 25
“Large firms with multiple layers of fees and conflicts of interest should be concerned that our model will become the new normal.” Those firms that “enrich a firm at the expense of the client; they should feel threatened.
Europe's Far Right: From Fringe to Mainstream
Views that were once considered extreme are the new normal in Europe. By Richard Palmer Anti-immigration and anti-Islam policies are now mainstream in Europe. A few years ago, they came only from fringe groups. The Party for Freedom (pvv) in the ...
Singaporeans must be aware of Internet's possible downsides: Yaacob
The bite-sized nature of such media also means that lines get taken out of context," said Dr Yaacob yesterday at a Singapore Press Club talk, themed "Traditional and Online Media in the New Normal". Site owners, moderators, teachers, parents and the ...
Prices: Between a rock and a hard place, as always
Firstpost (blog)
The peculiarity of these prices is that once they go up, they never return to normal as every increase sets a new normal. The important aspect of price movements in food items is that the conventional relationship between good monsoons and good harvest...
Firstpost (blog)
Kids Behind Bars: Live Blogging from the John Jay/Tow Foundation on Juvenile ...
The Crime Report
Stephanie Dawkins Davis spoke about the crack/cocaine disparity to explain how minorities are disproportionately in the criminal justice and how now it has become the new normal for these communities. Ailsa Chang asked Donyee Bradley, ...
Mass. Democrats block attempt to roll back sales tax
Worcester Telegram
“If we don't talk about how we are going to get back to 5 percent, that is going to become the new normal,” he said of the current sales tax rate. Beyond that, he said, Democrats “absolutely” will offer a plan to raise the income tax rate from 5.25 to ...
Victoria's Secret's Alessandra Ambrosio Dieted To Hide Pregnancy For Modeling ...
Isn't there anyone out there who is willing to say, “You know what, my pregnant body will do what it needs to do, and when it's ready after I have my baby, it will return to its new normal state.”
Trend lines look good for WellPoint
Indianapolis Business Journal
That data prompted Drew Altman, CEO of the Kaiser Family Foundation, to speculate that we may be witnessing a new normal in US health care spending. “We have a new phenomenon to watch with important implications for people and costs,” Altman wrote in ...
Indianapolis Business Journal
Ten-year anniversary deserves some introspection
Bluff Country Reader
By working together, we can determine, like those communities in the Red River Valley did, what ournew 'normal' is going to be. "In my profession, there is a simple rule that really works: 'Participation equals commitment.' People become committed to ...
3 Lessons to Learn From Rich Ross' Disney Departure
TheWrap (blog)
Termination, it seems, was the new normal. But firing people should have made room to hire the people necessary to make a profitable film slate. Apparently that wasn't the case. Ross himself was fired after fewer than three years on the job.
Three ways to get netizens to be responsible
Jakarta Post
About 90 media professionals were at the dialogue, which started with Dr Yaacob giving a speech on traditional and online media in the new normal. Other questions he fielded included the Government's engagement with its people and media coverage of the ...
Is distressed the new normal? | New Jersey Real Estate Report
By grim
Buyer traffic is strong, supply of homes for sale is low, and yet home prices continue to defy the usual formula, falling again in March. Prices usually rise as supply shrinks, but demand is still too low to make those historical “norms” compute, not ...
New Jersey Real Estate Report
Checklist for 'New Normal' Law Departments. « LDO Buzz
By LDO Buzz
Checklist for 'New Normal' Law Departments. April 24, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments. by Ex-Smith Is Your Firm or Legal Department 'Old Normal' or 'New Normal'? See Our Checklist Paul Lippe, The New Normal Here's my ...
LDO Buzz
What is normal? | Phil Taylor
By Phil
I will be forwarding this to my local councillors to investigate further. The other major continuing failure of the new contract is the ineffectiveness of street cleansing – more on this later. I fear that we are heading towards a new normal which is ...
Phil Taylor
is your firm or legal department old normal or new normal see our ...
By Donna Seyle
LPS is a system that enables solos and small boutique firms to build successful practices based in the principles of cost-containment and project management, and the integrated use of content marketing, technology and fixed, or alternative, ...
Donna Seyle's Blog
Politics, Markets, and People: On a Collision Course ...
By Paul Martin
The so called “new normal” is, in our opinion, a dynamic process, not a static one. Think about this for a moment. The U.S. bailed out General Motors after its management team and its labor unions gutted the company. GM is once again ...
Ichiro Proving, Disproving A Rumor - Baseball Nation
By Jeff Sullivan
Ichiro is 38 years old, and while there exists some chance that this is all nothing and that he'll return to normal in time, there exists a greater chance that this is all something, and that this is more or less his new normal now. Ichiro might have ...
Baseball Nation - All Posts
Weed Resistance Creates New Normal for Farmers - Lancaster ...
WASHINGTON — Dealing with herbicide resistant crops is a way of life for Richard Wilkins of Greenwood, Del. The first herbicide resistant weed discovery was ...

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Moving On ("The New Normal") - Cities
On January 14th, I honored the pleas of my cat of 19 years ("Weasie") and helped release her from her cancer suffering at our vet's office.
A New Normal | Lil Blue Boo
We are slowly getting back to a new normal around here. I had my first weekly post-chemo blood test yesterday…..only 51 more to go! I think we'll know in a few ...
Fracking's the new normal - Democratic Underground
Fracking's the new normal. frackings_the_new_normal/ The Upper Green River Basin isn't the type of place that's supposed to ...
"Social Media and the New Normal: 13 Driving Forces in ...
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