Drought: the 'new normal'? On Wednesday, the U.S. Department of Agriculture reported half of the nation's counties have been declared disasters because of severe droughts that has affected the West, Midwest and Southeast. NBC's Anne Thompson reports.
Frugality is the new normal for college students — Joanne Jacobs
By Joanne
Frugality is the new normal for college students. August 2, 2012 By Joanne Leave a Comment. Worried about rising college costs, more students are living at home, paying their own way and starting at a low-cost community college.
Joanne Jacobs
The new normal, according to consumers
Kitsap Peninsula Business Journal
As Consumer Insights Director for BIGinsight, I have been working with the vast amount of insights we gather for an entire decade. And, it's been interesting to see how consumers have evolved over this time span: from their embrace of online shopping (seen ...

Kitsap Peninsula Business Journal
After Colorado shootings, a new normal
South Bend Tribune
What happened in Colorado is a tragedy. Unfortunately we knew it would happen again, sooner or later. People will grieve, mourn, get angry and then return to life. Time will pass from the actual event and the anniversaries will accumulate over the years.
Ryan Murphy Twitter Debut: Insider Info Leaked on Glee, The New Normal
Christian Post
Ryan Murphy has made his Twitter debut to the delight of fans, and he immediately posted a flood of information about upcoming projects. Tri-network TV executive producer Murphy seems to be a natural at the social networking website, and is sure to build ...

Christian Post
Katy Perry Debuts New, Normal Hairstyle
Christian Post
After sporting several hair styles and colors, Katy Perry has shocked fans by debuting black hair styled into a chic bob this week. The "California Gurlz" singer has sported hues such as purple and blue over the past few months. Moreover, in years past, Perry ...

Christian Post
'Are you ready for the new normal'
Trinidad News
Home » Business Magazine » 'Are you ready for the new normal', Thursday, August 2 2012. spacer. Latest. spacer, News. spacer, Politics. spacer, Crime & Court. spacer, Business. spacer, Sport. spacer, Saturday Spotlight. spacer, Sunday Special Report ...
'Real Housewives' Roundup: Adrienne's Separation, Caroline's Possible Talk ...
'Real Housewives' Roundup: Adrienne's Separation, Caroline's Possible Talk Show, and NeNe on 'The New Normal' Wednesday, August 01, 2012. 'Real Housewives' Roundup: Adrienne's Separation, Caroline's Possible Talk Show, and NeNe ...

Good Time To Go
Houston Chronicle (blog)
I think I'll go to China to do some real science. Sorry, comment approval will be rather slow until mid-month, and blogging will apparently be non-existent. Maybe when I get back, discourse will return to normal. Or wait, maybe this is the new normal?
The following information was released by Maryland Senator Ben Cardin:
Water World
Calling extremes the new normal, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD), Chairman of the Environment and Public Works Water and Wildlife Subcommittee, sought answers today as to whether the U.S. is prepared to face the new reality of extreme weather events ...
'Color Runners' raise money to help Goffstown's Charlie Hunt
The “new normal” for the Hunt family has taken a financial and emotional toll, said Charlie's dad, Chris. But the Hunts have been on the receiving end of much support from their faith community at Ste. Marie Catholic Church in Manchester. From regular meals ...
Changes reflect a maturing S'pore's priorities
In the so-called "new normal" political landscape, the office-holders will have to demonstrate not just technocratic know-how, skilful problem solving but also sophisticated political nous and sensitivity to competing and even conflicting interests and needs.
Proposed budget presented to council
Celina Record
This budget year is the fourth for the city's "new normal," in which resources have been limited by slowing property value growth and nationwide economic uncertainty, said City Manager Peter Vargas. But with the appraised value of existing property now ...
Wacky Wednesday - Fed, ADP, Auto Sales, ISM, And A Ton Of Earnings
Seeking Alpha
Otherwise, the market will accept a new normal, which is of an impotent Fed. The market was looking higher in the early going, with the SPDR S&P 500 (SPY) up a half point into midday. The second most important report on the day, in my view, is the ISM ...
Recovery elusive in business jet industry
“It is our view that we are experiencing a 'new normal' in terms of the recovery, which is in effect challenging some of the very basic tenets of our industry,” Tsopeis said. There's been a disparate market in the narrow-body and wide-body business jet segments ...

Proposed Long Beach budget cuts police, libraries, youth programs
Contra Costa Times
million general fund budget for next year is indicative of a "new normal" economy in which Long Beach's revenues are expected to lag behind its expenses for the foreseeable future. "Rather than long for the good old days of government - or worse, continue ...
Unprepared for the next big one
Winnipeg Free Press
Most scientists appear to agree extreme weather is now the new normal. The latest warning came from a group of 10 scientists at the University of British Columbia, who said a four-year drought that affected western Canada and the U.S. between 2000 and ...
Severe weather renews climate-change talks in Washington, Annapolis
Baltimore Sun (blog)
State efforts to adapt to what officials are calling a "new normal" climate took center stage in a U.S. Senate hearing on climate change Wednesday, the first in 21/2 years. The state plans to begin integrating expectations of higher sea levels and more violent ...
Bustoom or stayhem?
Consultant News
A piece I read recently talked adapting to “the new normal”, a phrase which has been knocking around a lot recently. It has a certain resonance—certainly the idea that once we shrug off our current malaise everyone will start partying like its 1999. The mood is ...
Face it, Facebook: Sometimes you suck
Or the newly divorced mother of three who's working to build a new normal but gets knocked down each time she sees vacation albums of happy, seemingly perfect and intact families. Oh, and don't forget the guy with the crumbling career who must see how ...
Modern Family creator reluctant to take credit for gay characters on other shows
Gay Star News
Ryan Murphy, the executive producer of The New Normal, doesn't hesitate in acknowledging the impact Cam and Mitch have had on the American viewing audience who have embraced a gay couple raising a daughter largely without incident. 'I'm personally ...

Gay Star News
Olympic Badminton Fix: Awful Or Not So Bad? (Video)
Huffington Post
Romney, Netanyahu, and George Washington's Warning. Sen. Harry Reid. Republicans Renew War on Women. Dr. Peggy Drexler. How to Talk to Kids About the New "Normal". Sec. Kathleen Sebelius. Giving Women Control Over Their Health Care. Keli Goff ...
Why Most Smart Irrigation Controllers Failed the Drought Test
StateImpact Texas
Drought, wildfires, and extreme weather -- is this the new normal for Texas? RELATED TOPICS. Drought · Water Issues · drought app · la nina · LCRA. LATEST POSTS. Feel Dusty in Here? Texas Gets a Visit From the Sahara · The Drought Killed Texas Trees, ...
Usain Bolt could break his own record with the help of altitude and the wind
Eureka! Science News
'Superbird' stuns researchers · How to avoid traps in plastic electronics · Estimate: A new Amish community is founded every 3 and a half weeks in US · Chronic 2000-04 drought, worst in 800 years, may be the 'new normal' · Whole-genome sequencing of ...
A cover for action
Hindu Business Line
As the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Executive Director, G Padmanabhan noted only the other day, higher volatility in the rupee's exchange rate is the 'new normal' in the current uncertain global environment. The financials of listed companies point to their ...
What does a climate disaster look like? | Planet3.0
By Dan Moutal
When someone makes the 'new normal' claim I suspect many people expect that now this extreme weather will return every summer. That this is what a normal summer will look like from now on. What happens when we get a cool summer?
MUST READS! Beyoncé to Produce New Documentary + Microsoft ...
NeNe Leakes & Gay Couple Conquer NBC with 'The New Normal': RHOA's NeNe Leakes will defintely be making her preimerie on prime time television again this fall on NBC. Watch the trailer of NeNe playing… NeNe as always via Ronald ...
Sand: Pollution Driven Unionism
By Stephen Frank
But, national union leaders understand they are under attack, like a criminal who has been caught harming children. “This new reality—this new normal—demands an entirely new approach to unionism,” said Weingarten. “An approach that is ...
California Political News and Views
A 'weirding' climate, here and around the world « Red Cross Talks
By Gwen Eamer, HQ Blogger in Ottawa / Red Cross Media Advisor
Likewise, scientists have concluded that the drought that hit western North America from 2000 to 2004 was the strongest in 800 years, but that these extremes will be the “new normal” in the century ahead. Climate-related disasters ...
Red Cross Talks
Will major carriers adopt buy-on-board programmes for long-haul ...
By tromero
So, this got me wondering, has the age of option-rich, BOB greatness officially doomed the free economy class meal on long-haul flights? Is BYO (bring-your-own) destined to become the new normal for budget-minded travellers? At present, it ...
APEX Editor's Blog
Fed tries again to revive economy | Bankrate.com
By Sheyna Steiner
With monetary policy standing still, it's business as usual in the new normal. That means exceedingly low borrowing costs for consumers who can swing it -- and painfully low interest rates on savings and fixed-income investments. The federal ...
Cog The New Normal CD FLAC 2005-OZF - Yoddl.Com
By .Host
Artist: Cog Album: The New Normal Genre: Rock Year: 2005 Total Track: 11 Quality: 935 Kbps Play Time: 73:3 Tracklist: 0.1: Cog – Real Life (5:56) 0.2: Cog – Anarchy...
ptsdsurvivordaily » Its not you, its me: Anger and #PTSD
By Mikey Piro
I am even more grateful that I have one that really fits with my lifestyle given my new normal. It gives me something different to focus on. I try to execute patience with a deck stacked against me. Ninety-nine percent of the time I don't want to ...
Day Traders react to trading glitch - Business Insider
By Linette Lopez
What if this is the new “normal”? That's the question — a brutal question. The conditions that made today's glitch possible aren't going anywhere. According to reports from CNBC, this isn't a fat finger issue, it's a computer issue magnified by the ...
Business Insider
The Dish - NeNe Leakes on her 'Controversial' 'New Normal' Role ...
"It's definitely going to be something different," says the RHOA star.
OMM: NBC's 'New Normal' is 'Damaging to Our Culture' | HRC Blog ...
One Million Moms call for boycott of new fall comedy featuring gay couple.
Cisco Blog » Blog Archive » The New Normal – How Mobile ...
Despite phenomenal growth in mobile devices and application – and seemingly insatiable consumer demand – many key players in the mobile industry are.
Follow @NewNormalNews
By Joanne
Frugality is the new normal for college students. August 2, 2012 By Joanne Leave a Comment. Worried about rising college costs, more students are living at home, paying their own way and starting at a low-cost community college.
Joanne Jacobs
The new normal, according to consumers
Kitsap Peninsula Business Journal
As Consumer Insights Director for BIGinsight, I have been working with the vast amount of insights we gather for an entire decade. And, it's been interesting to see how consumers have evolved over this time span: from their embrace of online shopping (seen ...
Kitsap Peninsula Business Journal
After Colorado shootings, a new normal
South Bend Tribune
What happened in Colorado is a tragedy. Unfortunately we knew it would happen again, sooner or later. People will grieve, mourn, get angry and then return to life. Time will pass from the actual event and the anniversaries will accumulate over the years.
Ryan Murphy Twitter Debut: Insider Info Leaked on Glee, The New Normal
Christian Post
Ryan Murphy has made his Twitter debut to the delight of fans, and he immediately posted a flood of information about upcoming projects. Tri-network TV executive producer Murphy seems to be a natural at the social networking website, and is sure to build ...
Christian Post
Katy Perry Debuts New, Normal Hairstyle
Christian Post
After sporting several hair styles and colors, Katy Perry has shocked fans by debuting black hair styled into a chic bob this week. The "California Gurlz" singer has sported hues such as purple and blue over the past few months. Moreover, in years past, Perry ...
Christian Post
'Are you ready for the new normal'
Trinidad News
Home » Business Magazine » 'Are you ready for the new normal', Thursday, August 2 2012. spacer. Latest. spacer, News. spacer, Politics. spacer, Crime & Court. spacer, Business. spacer, Sport. spacer, Saturday Spotlight. spacer, Sunday Special Report ...
'Real Housewives' Roundup: Adrienne's Separation, Caroline's Possible Talk ...
'Real Housewives' Roundup: Adrienne's Separation, Caroline's Possible Talk Show, and NeNe on 'The New Normal' Wednesday, August 01, 2012. 'Real Housewives' Roundup: Adrienne's Separation, Caroline's Possible Talk Show, and NeNe ...
Good Time To Go
Houston Chronicle (blog)
I think I'll go to China to do some real science. Sorry, comment approval will be rather slow until mid-month, and blogging will apparently be non-existent. Maybe when I get back, discourse will return to normal. Or wait, maybe this is the new normal?
The following information was released by Maryland Senator Ben Cardin:
Water World
Calling extremes the new normal, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD), Chairman of the Environment and Public Works Water and Wildlife Subcommittee, sought answers today as to whether the U.S. is prepared to face the new reality of extreme weather events ...
'Color Runners' raise money to help Goffstown's Charlie Hunt
The “new normal” for the Hunt family has taken a financial and emotional toll, said Charlie's dad, Chris. But the Hunts have been on the receiving end of much support from their faith community at Ste. Marie Catholic Church in Manchester. From regular meals ...
Changes reflect a maturing S'pore's priorities
In the so-called "new normal" political landscape, the office-holders will have to demonstrate not just technocratic know-how, skilful problem solving but also sophisticated political nous and sensitivity to competing and even conflicting interests and needs.
Proposed budget presented to council
Celina Record
This budget year is the fourth for the city's "new normal," in which resources have been limited by slowing property value growth and nationwide economic uncertainty, said City Manager Peter Vargas. But with the appraised value of existing property now ...
Wacky Wednesday - Fed, ADP, Auto Sales, ISM, And A Ton Of Earnings
Seeking Alpha
Otherwise, the market will accept a new normal, which is of an impotent Fed. The market was looking higher in the early going, with the SPDR S&P 500 (SPY) up a half point into midday. The second most important report on the day, in my view, is the ISM ...
Recovery elusive in business jet industry
“It is our view that we are experiencing a 'new normal' in terms of the recovery, which is in effect challenging some of the very basic tenets of our industry,” Tsopeis said. There's been a disparate market in the narrow-body and wide-body business jet segments ...
Proposed Long Beach budget cuts police, libraries, youth programs
Contra Costa Times
million general fund budget for next year is indicative of a "new normal" economy in which Long Beach's revenues are expected to lag behind its expenses for the foreseeable future. "Rather than long for the good old days of government - or worse, continue ...
Unprepared for the next big one
Winnipeg Free Press
Most scientists appear to agree extreme weather is now the new normal. The latest warning came from a group of 10 scientists at the University of British Columbia, who said a four-year drought that affected western Canada and the U.S. between 2000 and ...
Severe weather renews climate-change talks in Washington, Annapolis
Baltimore Sun (blog)
State efforts to adapt to what officials are calling a "new normal" climate took center stage in a U.S. Senate hearing on climate change Wednesday, the first in 21/2 years. The state plans to begin integrating expectations of higher sea levels and more violent ...
Bustoom or stayhem?
Consultant News
A piece I read recently talked adapting to “the new normal”, a phrase which has been knocking around a lot recently. It has a certain resonance—certainly the idea that once we shrug off our current malaise everyone will start partying like its 1999. The mood is ...
Face it, Facebook: Sometimes you suck
Or the newly divorced mother of three who's working to build a new normal but gets knocked down each time she sees vacation albums of happy, seemingly perfect and intact families. Oh, and don't forget the guy with the crumbling career who must see how ...
Modern Family creator reluctant to take credit for gay characters on other shows
Gay Star News
Ryan Murphy, the executive producer of The New Normal, doesn't hesitate in acknowledging the impact Cam and Mitch have had on the American viewing audience who have embraced a gay couple raising a daughter largely without incident. 'I'm personally ...
Gay Star News
Olympic Badminton Fix: Awful Or Not So Bad? (Video)
Huffington Post
Romney, Netanyahu, and George Washington's Warning. Sen. Harry Reid. Republicans Renew War on Women. Dr. Peggy Drexler. How to Talk to Kids About the New "Normal". Sec. Kathleen Sebelius. Giving Women Control Over Their Health Care. Keli Goff ...
Why Most Smart Irrigation Controllers Failed the Drought Test
StateImpact Texas
Drought, wildfires, and extreme weather -- is this the new normal for Texas? RELATED TOPICS. Drought · Water Issues · drought app · la nina · LCRA. LATEST POSTS. Feel Dusty in Here? Texas Gets a Visit From the Sahara · The Drought Killed Texas Trees, ...
Usain Bolt could break his own record with the help of altitude and the wind
Eureka! Science News
'Superbird' stuns researchers · How to avoid traps in plastic electronics · Estimate: A new Amish community is founded every 3 and a half weeks in US · Chronic 2000-04 drought, worst in 800 years, may be the 'new normal' · Whole-genome sequencing of ...
A cover for action
Hindu Business Line
As the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Executive Director, G Padmanabhan noted only the other day, higher volatility in the rupee's exchange rate is the 'new normal' in the current uncertain global environment. The financials of listed companies point to their ...
Criminal Activity – The New Normal | Real Science
By stevengoddard
Gleick became a hero of the global warming movement by lying and cheating, and Muller is following in his footsteps. Muller has been telling us for years that global warming is the most serious problem mankind faces, and now he … Continue ...
Real Science
By stevengoddard
Gleick became a hero of the global warming movement by lying and cheating, and Muller is following in his footsteps. Muller has been telling us for years that global warming is the most serious problem mankind faces, and now he … Continue ...
Real Science
What does a climate disaster look like? | Planet3.0
By Dan Moutal
When someone makes the 'new normal' claim I suspect many people expect that now this extreme weather will return every summer. That this is what a normal summer will look like from now on. What happens when we get a cool summer?
MUST READS! Beyoncé to Produce New Documentary + Microsoft ...
NeNe Leakes & Gay Couple Conquer NBC with 'The New Normal': RHOA's NeNe Leakes will defintely be making her preimerie on prime time television again this fall on NBC. Watch the trailer of NeNe playing… NeNe as always via Ronald ...
Sand: Pollution Driven Unionism
By Stephen Frank
But, national union leaders understand they are under attack, like a criminal who has been caught harming children. “This new reality—this new normal—demands an entirely new approach to unionism,” said Weingarten. “An approach that is ...
California Political News and Views
A 'weirding' climate, here and around the world « Red Cross Talks
By Gwen Eamer, HQ Blogger in Ottawa / Red Cross Media Advisor
Likewise, scientists have concluded that the drought that hit western North America from 2000 to 2004 was the strongest in 800 years, but that these extremes will be the “new normal” in the century ahead. Climate-related disasters ...
Red Cross Talks
Will major carriers adopt buy-on-board programmes for long-haul ...
By tromero
So, this got me wondering, has the age of option-rich, BOB greatness officially doomed the free economy class meal on long-haul flights? Is BYO (bring-your-own) destined to become the new normal for budget-minded travellers? At present, it ...
APEX Editor's Blog
Fed tries again to revive economy | Bankrate.com
By Sheyna Steiner
With monetary policy standing still, it's business as usual in the new normal. That means exceedingly low borrowing costs for consumers who can swing it -- and painfully low interest rates on savings and fixed-income investments. The federal ...
Cog The New Normal CD FLAC 2005-OZF - Yoddl.Com
By .Host
Artist: Cog Album: The New Normal Genre: Rock Year: 2005 Total Track: 11 Quality: 935 Kbps Play Time: 73:3 Tracklist: 0.1: Cog – Real Life (5:56) 0.2: Cog – Anarchy...
ptsdsurvivordaily » Its not you, its me: Anger and #PTSD
By Mikey Piro
I am even more grateful that I have one that really fits with my lifestyle given my new normal. It gives me something different to focus on. I try to execute patience with a deck stacked against me. Ninety-nine percent of the time I don't want to ...
Day Traders react to trading glitch - Business Insider
By Linette Lopez
What if this is the new “normal”? That's the question — a brutal question. The conditions that made today's glitch possible aren't going anywhere. According to reports from CNBC, this isn't a fat finger issue, it's a computer issue magnified by the ...
Business Insider

"It's definitely going to be something different," says the RHOA star.
OMM: NBC's 'New Normal' is 'Damaging to Our Culture' | HRC Blog ...
One Million Moms call for boycott of new fall comedy featuring gay couple.
Cisco Blog » Blog Archive » The New Normal – How Mobile ...
Despite phenomenal growth in mobile devices and application – and seemingly insatiable consumer demand – many key players in the mobile industry are.
Follow @NewNormalNews
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