Gender and The New Normal by Jack Halberstam. October 7th, 2012 reset - +. IN HER SOMETIMES HILARIOUS rant against all the obstacles still holding women back in the world (you know, Brazilian waxes, Kim Kardashian, and five inch heels), Caitlin ...
One Woman's Story of Cancer: Frankfort woman adapts to her new normal
Lexington Herald Leader
ONE WOMAN'S STORY OF CANCER Last in a two-part series. One woman's story of cancer: Frankfort woman adapts to her new normal. Published: October 7, 2012 Updated 2 hours ago. 2012-10-07T11:13:21Z. By Mary Meehan Herald-Leader. Tweet...
Lexington Herald Leader
Fandom crossover: 'Glee' parody to arrive on 'The New Normal'
Through the use of doppelgängers, New Normal viewers will get to see some of the cast from Bryan's show Sing, which uncannily look a lot like the actors from Glee. For instance, the lead of Sing is Clea (and if we take off the “C,” we get…) and is ...
Gay characters at record high on US television
Laredo Sun
Gay characters at record high on U.S. television. New shows "The New Normal," "Girls" and comedy "Go On" have helped U.S. television rack up a record number of gay, bisexual and transgender characters, gay rights group GLAAD said on Friday. Saturday ...
Laredo Sun
Experts take solace in new jobs report
Chicago Tribune
That script laid out what was expected to be a "new normal" for the economy, where growth would occur, but slowly, and people would go back to work, but slowly. A financial crisis is different than your usual recession. Like a person with a heart ...
'Revolution' and 'Sons Of Anarchy' dominate weekly ratings race
What's your take New York? What did you watch last night? Hit the comments and let us know. For previews of the 2012 Fall TV season you can click on the below: New Series: "Go On" · "Animal Practice" · "The New Normal" · "The Mob Doctor" "Revolution" ...
The trouble with normal: Romney's lies and Obama's non-response
They are policies, not pixie dust. The new normal. Once upon a time we had a normal public language for talking about such things. But conservatives have spent decades dismantling that language, making it difficult, if not impossible, to simply ...
New fall TV
... Linda Hamilton and Ron Perlman as Catherine and Vincent on CBS' “Beauty and the Beast” in the late 1980s. • One quick fall TV note: NBC has ordered a full season of “Revolution,” Matthew Perry's “Go On” and “The New Normal,” the first renewals ...
HEMET: Are giant meeting crowds the new norm?
Press-Enterprise (blog)
Now, I wonder, will huge crowds at public meetings be the new normal? “I hope so,” activist Tami Wilhelm tells me. “I hope that this is the new norm.” Interim Hemet City Manager Mark Orme says he remembers not that long ago when a typical council ...
The tangled web that is the Internet
Nashua Telegraph
If digital media are flooding our brains with a constant flow of data, pinging neurons left, right and center without requiring depth, seldom getting beyond working memory, maybe ADHD is the new normal. Why not? That's the way evolution works. Random ...
Surprising new jobs data energises Obama camp
The Citizen Daily
Romney's running mate Paul Ryan warned that Americans should not settle for the "new normal" of diminished economic expectations under Obama. The political world meanwhile debated whether the jobs data was an "October Surprise" style event that will ...
A journey to the land of lower expectations
Welcome to the New Normal personal-financial-planning sector. Now it's not just Wall Streeters and others in the infamous “1%” — or even the top 10% — who need to think about lowering return assumptions and what that means. Going forward, it's the ...
Union County opens expanded emergency dispatch center
The Star-Ledger -
It's becoming the new normal for emergency communications. Somerset County, for example, handles 911 calls for all municipalities and has done so for years. Morris County has similar shared service agreements with a number of towns. "This is the ...
The Star-Ledger -
Rep. Dykema faces challenge in the Eighth Middlesex District
Dykema, who has a master's in business administration from Indiana State University and served on the Holliston Planning Board before being elected to the Legislature, said “dealing with the new normal and living within a more limited budget” will be a ...
Acquisitions Roundup: Channel 4 Renews Deals For '2 Broke Girls' & 'Revenge ...
These two deals follow on from previous deals signed by Channel 4 in recent months to acquire the rights to NBC's new comedy series The New Normal, the fourth season of The Good Wife, the second and (prospective) third seasons of Homeland and New ...
After losing all limbs in Afghanistan, soldier recuperating to be a good father
It's the beginning of this new normal - a challenge Mills said he relishes because he needs to be the best dad for his one-year-old daughter Chloe. "I said look, she's going to learn how to play softball, I'm going to have to learn how to throw and catch.
Injured Marine runs to earn home
It would also be the story of a family whose lives were suddenly thrown into chaos. His mother, Mary, would move to Maryland just to be with her son while his father, John Nicholson, began making the countless trips back and forth. "It became the new ...
Survivor Story: Carolyn Ward takes life one day at a time
Tallahassee Democrat (blog)
said Carolyn. “ I have had to learn to create a new normal because my old normal is gone.” Today, Carolyn is finding a new normal. “I have a new family of fellow breast cancer survivors and it's a bond no one else can understand unless they've been ...
Record number of “GLBT” characters on US TV series
Guardian Express
Andrew Rannells he began preparing to star as a gay man in the new NBC sitcom “The New Normal,” he came out to in May. Zachary Quinto Zachary Quinto came out to New York magazine, taking public ownership of his sexuality with the words ...
Henryville band performs at Homestead, thanks school for donations
Henryville's performance this fall is called "The New Normal." The show incorporates the day the tornado hit the town, March 2, and how the school and town worked to fix the damage, leading to the start of the 2012-2013 school year. "[The show] depicts ...
Daydream Living: {Getting back to a new normal} - Start organising
By Daydream Living
Try moving to another country while planning a wedding in your home country, worrying about a sick parent while being so far away, making sure that the girls are having a new school routine with new activities and new friends, while staying ...
Daydream Living
By Daydream Living
Try moving to another country while planning a wedding in your home country, worrying about a sick parent while being so far away, making sure that the girls are having a new school routine with new activities and new friends, while staying ...
Daydream Living
Is Your Favorite Show Headed For Cancellation?? - Ain't It Cool ...
“Revolution,” “Go On” and “New Normal” all got full first-season orders this week. Unfortunately “New Normal” seems to be a ratings roadblock preventing the “Go On” audience from making it all the way to “Parenthood.” “Guys With Kids,” ...
ExcitingAds! Cool
CBS News video: In Spain, economic hardships create a new normal - The recession in Europe ...
Video on Thanks to surrogacy, there are a lot more options than there used to be ...
Living with the "new normal" (blog)
Whenever I write anything about affluent Americans, inevitably I hear from some readers about how journalists are “out of touch” and not understanding the issues. I find these emails striking because they reflect a lot of the uncertainty and ...
Lea Michele and [Spoiler] Doppelgangers Coming to Ryan Murphy's The New ...
The New Normal character Bryan is based loosely on Ryan Murphy, and so Bryan is the producer of a popular musical comedy TV show called Sing (get it?). We have yet to meet any of the “cast members” of Sing, but E! Online reveals that this will happen ...
New jobs numbers free up Obama to talk recovery
Washington Post (blog)
No question, the new normal remains unacceptable. Millions of people are still suffering, and the economic challenges that lie ahead are immense. But in political terms, those two thresholds are important, because they allow Obama to argue more ...
LGBT characters on broadcast TV at record high, GLAAD study finds
Los Angeles Times
Boosted by new shows such as "Partners" and "The New Normal," the broadcast prime-time landscape is more gay-inclusive than ever. In a report released Friday, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation – better known as GLAAD – found that at the ...
Cuts in pay for teachers seems to be the new normal
Net Newsledger
THUNDER BAY – International News – Cuts in pay for teachers seems to be the new normal. Teachers in Ontario are protesting moves by the Ontario government toward reductions in their pay packets. The same is holding true for teachers in the European ...
TV Has More LGBT Characters Than Ever
The New Normal is beginning to be, in fact, the new normal on television. The study reviewed all 97 scripted shows scheduled to air this dawning 2012-2013 season to calculate how many characters are LGBT, revealing that 31 of 701 regular characters for ...
Show & Tell | Entertainment News: TV getting gayer, CATCO apprentices, Great ...
Columbus Dispatch
The new series Girls, Partners and The New Normal have helped U.S. television rack up a record number of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender characters, a leading gay-rights group said yesterday. In its eighth annual report tracking sexual and ...

Columbus Dispatch
Valium Saved My Life
New York Times
Connect With Us on Twitter. For Op-Ed, follow @nytopinion and to hear from the editorial page editor, Andrew Rosenthal, follow @andyrNYT. To the Editor: Re “Valium's Contribution to Our New Normal,” by Robin Marantz Henig (Sunday Review, Sept. 30): ...
Why the New Jobs Report is a Fiscal and Economic Disaster
Unless we are ready to accept anemic economic growth and anemic full time job creation (114,000 in the latest report) as the "new normal" then there is nothing whatsoever in the September BLS report about which we should cheer. Contrast the Obama job ...
Travis Mills, Vassar soldier who lost arms and legs in Afghanistan, reflects ...
Travis Mills, Vassar soldier who lost arms and legs in Afghanistan, reflects on explosion that left him with a 'new normal' lifestyle. Erica Perdue | By Erica Perdue | The Saginaw News on October 05, 2012 at 5:35 PM ...
Study finds that TV is gayer than ever
A.V. Club
Thanks in no small part to freshmen series like The New Normal and Partners as well as the continued efforts of HBO and Showtime, TV is really gay now—in fact, the gayest it's ever been. The news comes from GLAAD's 17th annual report on the number of ...

A.V. Club
10 to watch on fall's new TV shows
Fresno Bee
Bebe Wood, "The New Normal," NBC: The Kansas City native plays Shania, Goldie's (Georgia King) very opinionated daughter. You might remember her for playing a sarcastic carbon copy of Liz Lemon on "30 Rock." There's hasn't been as funny and ...

Fresno Bee
NeNe Leakes Receives “Great News”: What Could It Be?
Just days after her TV show, The New Normal, was picked up for an entire season, NeNe tweeted, “OMG just got some great newsđ I can't wait 2 put it on paper so I can share it with u guys!” While we don't know exactly what NeNe is referring to yet, we ...
Does new unemployment rate accurately reflect economy?
Fox News
was also campaigning in Virginia running mate Paul Ryan said of the number of jobs created quote we shouldn't have to settle for this new normal. Surprising one of the Republican Convention -- that Americans deserve better than mr. Obama has delivered.
Romney: 'Fewer new jobs this month'
"We should not have to settle for this new normal," the statement said. Obama, speaking at a campaign rally in Fairfax, Va., said the jobless report shows his policies are working and he needs a second term to finish the job. "This morning, we found ...
Friday Estimates by Klady 2 (This Time They Have His Int'l Cumes)
Movie City News
Counting tickets instead of grosses is not the new normal and remains an almost completely irrelevant statistic for studios. It would be overshadowed completely by revenue reductions on the Home Entertainment side, but those numbers are not reported, ...
Europe's Richer Regions Want Out
New York Times
The years that followed the fall of the Berlin Wall and the implosion of the Soviet Union were an effort, Ms. Grabbe noted, “to find a new normal.” European (and NATO) enlargement to the east was a major accomplishment, but it distorted the cores of ...
Follow @NewNormalNews
The New Normal is beginning to be, in fact, the new normal on television. The study reviewed all 97 scripted shows scheduled to air this dawning 2012-2013 season to calculate how many characters are LGBT, revealing that 31 of 701 regular characters for ...
Show & Tell | Entertainment News: TV getting gayer, CATCO apprentices, Great ...
Columbus Dispatch
The new series Girls, Partners and The New Normal have helped U.S. television rack up a record number of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender characters, a leading gay-rights group said yesterday. In its eighth annual report tracking sexual and ...
Columbus Dispatch
Valium Saved My Life
New York Times
Connect With Us on Twitter. For Op-Ed, follow @nytopinion and to hear from the editorial page editor, Andrew Rosenthal, follow @andyrNYT. To the Editor: Re “Valium's Contribution to Our New Normal,” by Robin Marantz Henig (Sunday Review, Sept. 30): ...
Why the New Jobs Report is a Fiscal and Economic Disaster
Unless we are ready to accept anemic economic growth and anemic full time job creation (114,000 in the latest report) as the "new normal" then there is nothing whatsoever in the September BLS report about which we should cheer. Contrast the Obama job ...
Travis Mills, Vassar soldier who lost arms and legs in Afghanistan, reflects ...
Travis Mills, Vassar soldier who lost arms and legs in Afghanistan, reflects on explosion that left him with a 'new normal' lifestyle. Erica Perdue | By Erica Perdue | The Saginaw News on October 05, 2012 at 5:35 PM ...
Study finds that TV is gayer than ever
A.V. Club
Thanks in no small part to freshmen series like The New Normal and Partners as well as the continued efforts of HBO and Showtime, TV is really gay now—in fact, the gayest it's ever been. The news comes from GLAAD's 17th annual report on the number of ...
A.V. Club
10 to watch on fall's new TV shows
Fresno Bee
Bebe Wood, "The New Normal," NBC: The Kansas City native plays Shania, Goldie's (Georgia King) very opinionated daughter. You might remember her for playing a sarcastic carbon copy of Liz Lemon on "30 Rock." There's hasn't been as funny and ...
Fresno Bee
NeNe Leakes Receives “Great News”: What Could It Be?
Just days after her TV show, The New Normal, was picked up for an entire season, NeNe tweeted, “OMG just got some great newsđ I can't wait 2 put it on paper so I can share it with u guys!” While we don't know exactly what NeNe is referring to yet, we ...
Does new unemployment rate accurately reflect economy?
Fox News
was also campaigning in Virginia running mate Paul Ryan said of the number of jobs created quote we shouldn't have to settle for this new normal. Surprising one of the Republican Convention -- that Americans deserve better than mr. Obama has delivered.
Romney: 'Fewer new jobs this month'
"We should not have to settle for this new normal," the statement said. Obama, speaking at a campaign rally in Fairfax, Va., said the jobless report shows his policies are working and he needs a second term to finish the job. "This morning, we found ...
Friday Estimates by Klady 2 (This Time They Have His Int'l Cumes)
Movie City News
Counting tickets instead of grosses is not the new normal and remains an almost completely irrelevant statistic for studios. It would be overshadowed completely by revenue reductions on the Home Entertainment side, but those numbers are not reported, ...
Europe's Richer Regions Want Out
New York Times
The years that followed the fall of the Berlin Wall and the implosion of the Soviet Union were an effort, Ms. Grabbe noted, “to find a new normal.” European (and NATO) enlargement to the east was a major accomplishment, but it distorted the cores of ...
Follow @NewNormalNews
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